Feminism is obsolete

Women have always organised themselves in communities. And this provided pressure or support on individual members of a community.
At the same time nobody is protected perfectly all the time, not women and certainly not men, neither should everybody be protected from his/her own stupidity. A woman making a careful choice when it comes to a husband (and vice versa) is an important element in genetic selection.
Maximising security for everybody at all costs is the downfall of any society, it promotes and selects for carelessness, stupidity and so forth.
Doesn’t mean that there should be no consideration for protection of weaknesses but maximising it is dysgenic in nature.

Another thing, depending on where and when, women were not throughout history without property or rights.

What feminism did and still does, from the first wave to the last wave is dismantle patriarchy, in other words, destroy the organisations of men.
Not that women had those feministic ideas all by themselves at large. It’s relatively few, usually those not invested in the communities themselves who propagate those destructive ideas and narratives. Men being often naive when it comes to women bought into those ideas as well. It’s kind of like Adam and Eve and the snake, now that I think about it.

Again, if anything to consider from what I just wrote it’s that feminism is not this magical creation and prior to it there were no women organising themselves.
There always have been. Point is that feminism is about destroying men’s organisation. Why? Because it’s oppressing women, apparently. And you know, it’s true, depending on how oppression is understood. Men try to dominate women and the patriarchal ways of organising (some of them good some of them not so much) help them do so. But without that domination - that leadership - women and effeminate men destroy society and a destroyed, weakened, society simply gets conquered or torn apart by another society and dominated or killed by them. And that’s usually not better, neither for men nor for the women overall.


Both men and women are the victims of feminism.

Nonsense, everybody knows women are stubborn as a mule. FE means IRON…Iron is stubborn until you get it hot.

You quoted me falsely. It was not my text.

Pure iron was one of the softer metals and easily corrupted. You can bend an iron nail with your fingers. Try that with brass or steel. Of course if they had aluminum back then, you might be calling them “males and alumales”.

So you are saying that all humans (females and males) are stubborn. Hmmh … :-k

Sorry i had a headache and felt sick.

The reasons for the non-sex-segregation, feminism, genderism, … (and so on and so forth) are not only the sexes themselves but also and especially the interest in the human resources.

If the societies of the west do not stop using the human resources like a common property, then the Tragedy of the Commons will go on and lead to the death of that societies.