Recently i have been reading lots and lots of science fiction. The good ones, like Ray Bradbury and Philip K Dick. And as i read through them i found a similarity through all of them.
These authors were incredible at taking psychological philosphies and using their stories to display all these parts of the human psyche, in situations that were obviously beyond reality. By putting a character ina fictional(science fictional) setting and putting him/her through science fictional ordeals we get a glimpse at the human psyche in a way we normally don’t. I don’t know really how to explain this further and i hope that this kinda sorta makes some sense.
in the end i thought it would be cool if you guys listed some of your favorite fictional books, or short stories, with their authors, that portray the human psyche in a universal light.
We Can Build You
A Scanner Darkly
The Ray Gun-----------------all by Philip K Dick
The Illustrated Man-----------------by Ray Bradbury