August 13, 2007, 10:01pm
There are rare moments in life where I watch the news in which I ask myself, WTF?
Apparently one of the latest distractions in the news is a government crackdown against teen fight clubs. … lubs_x.htm
Street fighting socially or just rough housing is now considered morally and lawfully wrong…
As any sensible man I must ask, where is the substantiation for this insanity? Is not man a predatory species?
I suppose now we shall make it illegal to be men now desiring emasculated profitable consumer males instead.
August 13, 2007, 10:11pm
This society already prefers the feminine male. Predation or the appearance of such is shunned.
Males aren’t supposed to be the animal they were made to be, it’s the “unnatural” … and the pendulum swings even further.
August 13, 2007, 11:00pm
This society already prefers the feminine male. Predation or the appearance of such is shunned.
Males aren’t supposed to be the animal they were made to be, it’s the “unnatural” … and the pendulum swings even further.
I was born in the wrong era obviously…
August 14, 2007, 1:27am
This society already prefers the feminine male. Predation or the appearance of such is shunned.
Males aren’t supposed to be the animal they were made to be, it’s the “unnatural” … and the pendulum swings even further.
I’m thinking that they are more concerned about some kid dying.
and do teenagers truly understand life? for the most part NO.
there is UFC for more mature males. better than boxing
(-Oni Omega-)
August 14, 2007, 2:31am
Compared the average philosopher - no
Compared to the average adult - yes
Let the boys play.
UFC is so~so
In the the UFC the so called MMA fighters have almost identical fighting styles and play it safe 98% of the time, it can make for a boring watch.
K1 - better.
August 14, 2007, 3:38am
K-1 is UFC now.
Dont follow and believe: ‘Bubble Media’.
Fighting a person with consent is gay. Unless it’s for money. Anyone who wants to fight can. It’s just kinda dumb to join a club for fighting. That’s just making it easy to get yourself caught.
August 14, 2007, 6:06am
Hmm… in my youth, I used to box with my friends, as well as wrestle, grapple, etc, and we never got caught because all our parents knew, and we were very selective about who we would allow to participate. I think it helped us further our understanding about combative sports, and put us in great shape as well.
August 14, 2007, 1:39pm
You need to watch some of the Japanese channels for their sports. You want blood? They have deaths, maiming and lots of blood. What they think is fun would scare the crap out of most of the rest of the world.
I have watched a few, my jaw drops, I do admit I thought at first it was a put on, its not. Make no mistake the women are just as bloody.
August 14, 2007, 2:38pm
You should learn to quote properly, none of those responses were from me.
I fought through most of my adolescence, it is part of the process, and what nature intended the male to do.
Safety is an illusion, it is a false concept extended from the social contract, and has zero applicability in reality.
All creatures engage in war, and only humans attempt to dictate at what age it becomes appropriate.