[Film] The Pervert's Guide to Cinema - Slavoj Zizek

Hello Everyone!

This will be my first review!

I have watched this film many times and It is quite enjoyable. In this film Slavoj Zizek uses Lacanian theory and applies them to film. He has a general obsession with anything David Lynch (probably because they work at the same school #-o ) or having to do with Alfred Hitchcock. He also brings in several foreign films from russia, including one hilarious soviet musical. (To know that Stalin loved musicals brings me great joy).

Some of the films included are: Blue Velvet (Lynch), Lost Highway (Lynch), The Birds (Hitchcock), Psyco (Hitchcock), Solarys (the original from russia not the crappy one with george cloony), The Conversation (Coppola). Just to give you an idea!

If you don’t know anything about Jacques Lacan, I can tell you he is essentially a “Freudian” so you can understand what these analyses entail (sex stuff if your noob to freud :unamused: ). Clearly we have the standard oeidipal archetype being touched on as well as the concepts of “The Gaze”, “The Phallus”, “Desire”, “Jouissance” and all that other fun stuff!

If you know Slavoj, you will of course have a fantastic time witnessing his crazy antics. If you have not yet read or watched Slavoj (watching is really essential to the enjoyment of his philosophy) you are in for a real treat. Now, it is 2 and a half hours long, but it helps to chill on it with a friend with similar interest and discuss it inbetween.

If I may be cliche for a moment… I believe that life may be seperated into before Slavoj and after Slavoj.

In conclusion, If you love psychoanalysis as much as me, you love movies and you love people who flail their hands, then you will enjoy this film very very much!

If you want to know more specifics of the film just ask! As I have used up a good deal of my conscious life watching and reflecting on it!
