Films you'd like to see made

“Apple Cider”
A quasi Italian B soft schlong flick with many beautiful shots. Theres a guy and he works in the garden, theres a lady of a certain class and she pines for that good-old glass of cider she has such good memories about. Stories are told, feelings are felt, smoke comes from the chimney cause its winter. Then nothing happens, until the very end when they’re in bed together and she kills him.

“President, President!”
A good movie. A thriller you remember while youre going home or sitting at Burger King afterwardo’s. Its about a president of a big nation where the nation is in trouble because of some mysterious problem, and experts are called in from various agencies and somehow, because they’re led by a feminist cunt, they point their finger at the president, and then the president has to go on the run because he knows who did it - the feminist cunt bitch. But he must catch her in the act. What act? Oh you’ll have to go watch it. I won’t spoil this great story just so I can score some points for being in the know.

Pegasus In Flight by Anne McCaffrey

I’d like to see films depicting the next era of Space Exploration and Colonization of humanity in 2500 or 2600.

Those on the outskirts of space, self-sufficient, may turn against those who live on Earth, becoming ‘criminal’, gaining power. What if they launch weapons and war against Earth? What could be done to retaliate, if those who become self-sufficient, cannot be defended against? It’s unfortunate that such things aren’t in Mass Media, or popular. But I imagine there are some Science Fiction writers who may have developed these types of ideas.

Um, this is getting spooky, Ive been working on that precise idea for I think about 20 years.


alright, a distraction.

“Freewheelers dealers meals for free this is a movie you wont see”
A man gets out of his splash two-seater and rustles ashore in his loafers, picking up a magazine on the way, and lights a cigar. Just then, a bird sits on his shoulder and yelps “Bernie sanders, Bernie sanders, birdie sanders is gonna be the next president”

the guy calls his employee of the month and asks her:
what, the fuck, would happen if Bernie Sanders gets to be president.
Like literally what the fuck. It would just be surreal.

She goes: alright well I can tell you whadda happen, fairness and equality come to yo door-step and kick-yo black ass white man till it sees purple and shit green.

Alright he says how is that fair?

Faihair? who dun said anything bout fair? Im just come to kick-yo-ass when push come to shove and bernie-saynders go win the nom-nation.

he’s like, okay.
Like, so…

And the movie is just basically him being confused after that and taking a lot of pills, red pills white pills blue pills black pills and he eventually gets up the attic for the golden pill.
So, he takes like, the golden pill.

That’s great.

[tab]So as not to pollute this beautiful thread with the unrelated.[/tab]

“Get to the Chopper!”
A shakespearean intrigue on board of a spaceship going so fast that the whole movie plays down in the same amount of relativistic time as the duration of the immortal earthly cry of fame. (except its the other way around, so it would be even more plausible; the spaceship is on its way to the chopper.

“Larping for Jesus”
A common history tale on a streaming network, aims to run indefinitely.

The Thrawn novels done as an actual film, or even its own trilogy. Adapt some of the Vader comics to film. A Darth Plagueis film, with Sidious’ training as well as some stuff going into ancient Sith lore and the mysteries of the Force like the origins of the Jedi order, etc.

I’d love it if they made a film version of the Raw Shark Texts. Just about my favourite book ever.

“The Ardent Scribe”
A forbidden-love story that transcends al boundaries moral and plausible - we have here a man who was raised to calligraphy of holy texts and who, in his ardour for the Deity as he encounters it in the scrolls, evokes, one night, a princess smelling of musk and earth and wearing nothing but a bikini. She is from the future, she says, the 1970s. The film plays somewhere in the 1500s of North Eastern Europe.

The muse as we shall call her takes him by the hand and out of his door, whereupon the landscape of his memory is entirely transfigured into golden rainbows (CGI fellas gonna figure that one out) and they make a glorious path through it, until they stand atop a hill and behold, the East, where armies with futuristic battle amor stand ready and the West, where dinosaurs are seen to roam.

Suddenly the scribe has a breakdown of sorts and sits down and the muse is gone. But the armies and the dinosaurs are still there and oh dear, what is this now - they’re encroaching on our scribe.

Whats a scribe to do?
And ancient question. A classic film.

movie about a guy, who is called Broadsword for no apparent reason. He lives at a dead end street in LA in a pretty quiet apartment and now and then has a lady friend over. Maybe that has to do with the name but, we never find out as this isn’t a porn flick. At all.

“Wayne’s World: Woke”

and they’re, old, too.

Might be the solution to the whole conundrum.

“That week, was that this week?”
Bollywood Vehicle about the life of a would be singer-songwriter turned philosopher when he was still singing songs.

‘to the Edge’

To bad it was made already, ready for the silver screen

“One of Us”
As all our collaborating technologies scan the stars for life, our eyes collectively spy a big eye looking back at us through a microscope. And it’s one of us… and they’re not sure how we got so tiny… and we’re not sure how they got so big.

We communicate through blinks to rerun the looks, but they look out, and we look in. Same results. Same follow up. In total, we do this 30 times before determining we will not find a different result, and get bored.

Another mystery discovered, another mystery unsolved.

All smaller Us-es consider what we would do if all the bigger Us-es had the means to destroy us with a simple drop of a sterilizing substance, considering our most powerful laser (even if used in unison) would just poke them in the eye (which includes us). But. They assure us they have no motivation to do that, and every motivation not to, considering we are all the same, big or small, and they need destruction like they need a poke in the eye.

That sounds interesting if it was ever made with a newer format to a mix of the Alien series with a new school for social research like the one involving a school for witches, but instead of sorcery, plug in an extra celestial institution of philosophy, where all kinds of beings can drop in, grok, or try to use hypermetaphoricbvodes, to get their ideas across vast stretches of the universe. The huge eye being a vast opening-closing giant lense, the of planetary proportions , to offer support and information on a meta level, accessible through sight and codes, simultaneously churning out innumerable cidexes, in case things have gone over archive stirage limits.

The aliens in various combinations of man and machine would form and reform various pockets of content within the formulated areas of context and concern, it really would be something of a cosmic library , at least of a magnitude of 10 universes.

I think this idea of your Isch, could be shot on a low budget, and film school students could do the part for no salary .

Dead, I missed one thing, if God would apoear in the picture, how would his costume design and script fit in with the alien creatures on the set?

Kind of reminds me of those other “blinking” objects we spy in the sky from time to time.

Angels in the Outerfield

Sounds weirdly familiar:
