Final Exit

End of Transmission

are you serious or is this an early april fools joke?

guru what did god tell you about all the people who will ridicule you? they are all evil? or maybe you could ask him how to do this in a more convincing way. im planning on forcing my way into the pope usurper scene with an ayn rand type book, except mine will be good, and an even smaller percentage of people will understand it.

scientology part 2:

why future man’s omnisoul is more logical than the christian god.

hey a trillion years flies by when all of your children are my slaves.

what did he say about aliens? i mean wasnt battlefield earth LRon’s Passion of the Aliens?

cause id say we are looking at a divinely controlled alien experience. either we shape up and become a competely harmonious whole and we discover an alien race to be subjugated (so that quakers may selflessly decry our subjugation of them and therefore produce selfless goo) or aliens will show up and enslave us, and they will be the ones whose quakers will be producing the meta-goo.

and guru, what are some of the things your religion says that are crazy and unique? cause thats what you should have written here if you want followers.

This is a classic ruse of cult-styled scam. In fact, it’s so blatant that I actually laughed at the idiocy of it. The technique involves offering something very special that no one else but you and your followers will possess. Then, whatever it is that you offer, no matter how vague it may seem, it cannot be offered because of claimed moral implications. The only way to learn of what it is is to be sucked into the cult process and feed the cult leader money until you realize that you’re being scammed. Of course there’s no mention of money yet…but I’m sure down the road there will be.

The real interesting thing is, did he post here on purpose because he knew he would be bashed, and therefore the insults he recieved would strengthen his resolve?

Definately characteristics of a cult.

The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).

Same goes for:

Implying that there is a specific, exclusionary “group” that has special knowledge.

Peice of cake. The tool here is DECEPTION.

How are you going to spread love and peace among the world with people who believe in these things in the world?


Oh, Wikkommen!

Dear onlineguru,

I was wondering when the messiah was going to contact me about my mission…He came to me so long ago I had almost forgotten that it even happened. That fateful morning of August 21st, right after I got done having sex with your wife.



lol… Hmmm…I think I’m having a revelation…yes… :evilfun:

Uhm…Guru…I…uhm…have some information for you. Yeah, it’s 1:40 in the morning and I’m sitting here talking to your messiah… Yeah, he said he wants you to stop masterbating to raise your self-esteem. He can’t really understand why you would call the pink 10-inch vibrating dildo you have in your ass the “amazing technology” that will change the world. He thinks you’re stupid and insane, and sadly, because of that Universal Law Number 352, you know, the one of noninteraction that he decreed shortly after his rise to take the throne back in 33 C.E., he can’t help your mental instability… I’m sorry. :slight_smile:

what dark forces?

there are no “dark forces” here or in the real world.


Heh…he edited it two times before giving up…