Financial Securities - Why They Matter

They are communist idiots, its cringy.

They think if they make oil expensive enough, the world will be forced to save itself from dead dinasour gas.

What it will actually do is prevent anything from being done, becuse the only viable altrnative to oil is nuclear power, which also happens to meet every single stupid hippy shit criteria they have and is cheaper than oil, and the communists don’t want anything that will increse people’s actual power, so no go on that either.

To put it another way, oil is at a staggering $120, and people are still buying it instead of investing in fucking wind turbines or whatever stupid shit.

You think if they could save a dollar they wouldn’t?

Also, of course this argument will be lost on these poor fanatics, but you will get it, what does it mean that it costs more than even $120 oil? That cost implies that massive amounts of money are spent on resources and energy. it essencially means that more energy is required to run these fucking things than it gives back. It actually pollutes more.

But they don’t care about that shit. They don’t even care about the planet. They just enjoy the feeling that somebody somewhere is being punished.

A dirty conscience maybe, who knows, I’m not Freud.

The Democratic Leftists and Liberals, Utopians, still believe in “clean energy” which is now revealed as a complete farce. It’s not that the energy is “clean”. It’s that their Conscience is clean consuming it. This refers to the upper-middle classes and wealthy, along with their rich Liberal children, teenagers, and college students who pay $100,000+ and high tuition per year.

The thing that always amazes me…is that they believe charging an Electric Vehicle is “free” when they plug it in at the grocery store parking lot. Or worse…that they believe it won’t be taxed within 10 years time. They don’t think ahead. And they don’t realize the gas & oil required to maintain the energy grid, from which they charge their EVs.

Lastly, everybody can judge $120 barrel gasoline for its end consequence…the ultra-rich are becoming richer, at the expense of what remains of the middle and lower classes. But Democrats don’t even pretend to care about the poor, or wealth redistribution, anymore. That ended in 2012 when Liberal Leftists protested against the “top 1%” in NYC, and then the ultra-rich and Democrat/Liberal leaders focused all their energy and propaganda on Racial issues, resulting in today’s Critical Race Theory and the like. It resulted in the riots of Georgy Floyd, and dividing the Left/Right, Democrat/Republican into civil war territory. It also resulted in this “drag-time story hour” pedophile nonsense.

Expensive gas weakens Western Civilization and strengthens the East—Russia, China, India. It dampens the effects of Recession on small communities with Solar and Wind energy, liberal strongholds. It dampens Recession effects on walking-communities and cities (Europeans). It hurts people who live in the country, rural people, Republicans who are funded by the Oil Industry, and it hurts Conservatives in general. That’s why the Democrats are willing to allow $10.00 gasoline, even as it destabilizes world politics forever.

Well, it depends how you define “clean.” If you mean that it doesn’t cause any pollution, then there are at least 2 sources of energy that do not cause pollution, hydroelectric and nuclear. But you can only get so far with hydroelectric, it requires a nearby large river. Nuclear of course you could build a plant everywhere and anywhere but, considering that would constitute an actual solution to the communist energy problem, it is verbotem. If the problem is fixed, then why would there be a need for a totalitarian global government?

It won’t do.

Lol no. Those ones will be hardest hit. Wind and solar are not actually sustainable, those can only operate with government subsidies, which relies on the world economy wheich relies on oil.

Trust me, when shit starts hitting the fan, those will be first on the government’s list for budgets to reduce.

Those little towns are essencially towns with wind turbines powered by oil.

I am not sure why you think China and India need oil any less than anybody else, or Russia does well from a reduced market for their oil.

Is there any thinking behind this or…?

Think of submarines.

Submarines that use oil or diesel hava a limited time they can be out at sea. When they dive, they rely on batteries powerd by the deisel or gasoline engine.

Submarines that use nuclear reactors can basically stay underwater for eternity if they want.

Submarines that use only batteries I believe don’t exiswt, but if they did, they would require about 50 footballfield of solar panels and wind turbines to stay at sea for a month, while a far amsllaer amount of oil would suffice. A river with a dam on it would also suffice.

As the US dollar weakens, Russia, China, India, anybody not using the dollar, can buy oil for cheaper and easier.

The price of oil doesn’t just go up in dollars, it goes up in all currencies. The price is the same for India and China.

As for inflation, the US is still doing better than Russia, India or China, who in any case have significant portions of their resources in dollars.

A weakened US dollar, additionally, will take away from India, Russia and China an advantage they have so far enjoyed, which is competitiveness for manufacturing. The higher the inflation, the cheaper it is to produce goods.

No, an inflated US dollar does not mean every other currency inflates.

A weak dollar means other competing nations and economies strengthen, allowing them more buying-power.

In this case, it means they have more access to oil, to power their own economies at the cost of USA and Western civilization/NATO.

At 50% inflation annually, it now costs $150 compared to 1 or 2 years ago. That means you are spending an additional $50 on things like gas and groceries. This is going to destroy the middle and lower classes, who cannot afford the price increase. Furthermore, it means that investors and the wealthiest people, around the world, are going to start dumping their Dollar asset holdings and look for alternatives. This is proved by how the Russian rouble increased in value even after NATO and US sanctions against the war in Ukraine. Investors and economies want out of the US dollar; they want an escape from inflation and loss of value of their investments. This is also proved by the rapidly diminishing US stock market.

The idea that US dollar inflation = every other world currency inflating, is ridiculous. Nations, countries, and economies are in competition.

The US dollar has been tied to barrels of oil for a Century now, after leaving the gold-standard.

All that is set to change, thanks to Democrat/Liberal/Lefty economic incompetence.

Competing economies will get richer, at the expense of the US economy. It’s a global wealth transfer. Other countries will have more access to oil supplies, as a direct result.

Consider this, India is buying cheap oil from Russia directly, who then turns around and sells it back to the United States at inflated prices.

That’s happening right now.

That’s not what you said. What you said was

Which doesn’t really matter because, as it happens, every other country in the world that wasn’t already is also now seeing massive inflation because, of course, the circumstances that are causing it in the US are operative everywher else too.

Also, inflaiton in the US currently is not 50%. It’s 8.something%.

8% monthly

The annual rate is different. It’s easier to compare prices today to exactly 1, 2, 3 years ago, etc.

That’s simply not true.

If the Federal Reserves doubles the US money supply tomorrow, it would halve the value of the dollar instantly. Competing currencies, like China, would immediately go up in value.

US printing dollar bills =/= other countries printing. Other countries manage their own inflation rates differently. Some countries Deflate their currency or hold value.

Inflation doesn’t only happen because of new money.

If what you can do with the existing pool of dollars is less, then inflation happens. Prices can go up because, for example, oil prioces go up, and oil is used for everything.

This year, with the rate hikes, the Fed has reducd printing. But inflation has still increased.

That’s #1.

#2, yes of course it is possible for inlfation to happen in only one currency. But what is happening that is causing inflation in the US is happening also in Russia, and India, and China. Their inflation rates were all above 3% anyway before the crisis. Now they are much higher.

By the way, you are also terrifyingly wrong about the 50% figure, which I don’t know where you got.

The 8% number is year on year. Year on year is a fancier word for yearly, it just includes an arbitrary date, like year on year inflation for july measures from july of the previous year.

Money doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Money refers to what money can buy.

Inflation can happen from the money supply side, or from the “what you can buy” side.

Everyday people see the inflation in the grocery stores. If a gallon of milk costed $4.00 a couple years ago, and $6.00 right now, then how much inflation is that?

This chart shows annual average gas in 2016 at $2.20 and now in 2021 (last year) at $3.28. How much inflation is that?

I know, from my area and local towns, price is at $7.00 while 2 and 3 years ago it was $4.00. How much inflation is that?

I did not claim that “only currency printing” is the reason for inflation. But, it is the main reason. And the Federal Reserve has printed an astronomical number of new bills over the past 4 years, more under Biden and Democrats than ever before. US money supply is competing against non-Western nations. Those nations will benefit directly and immediately from the weakening dollar and US economy. The Stock market devaluation is only beginning, and already proven.