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just a question. let’s remove the authority element. is it better that people share and look out for each other? or should they not share and not look out for each other?

Lol, except for that I am an extreme authoritarian, I am a total antiauthoritarian.


You can either want everybody to act a certain way or do a certain thing, even against their will, or you can be an antiauthoritarian. Not both.

Because if it’s option A, unless you are retarded and we have a whole different problem, you will require the authority to implement it.

i’m not saying you have to want to make it happen. i’m asking which world do you think is better. one where everyone helps each other or one where they dont.

I know this is a far out concept for you communists, but I really don’t consider myself to be in a position to dictate how the world should be.

I happen to be in love with the world.

it’s a hypothetical. are you in a position to entertain a hypothetical?

Like, hypothetically, go fuck yourself, it’s none of your business who I share bread with.

You authoritarian fuck.

so you’re anti authoritarianism and you believe that a world where people help each other is preferable to one where they don’t?

I don’t even relate to begin with to the question of how other people should act.

It just is absolutely foreign to me.

I don’t know. Let them figure it out. I got a full time job doing my own thing.

so do you not consider yourself to be a part of some society or some kind of demographic group at all? or do you feel as though coordination among people in a society or group just doesn’t matter? or is it that you take it however it comes in the name of adhering to a principle of non-involvement in the organization of it? help me out here i’m trying to get an understanding of your view as a whole.

Like what kind of pathetic mind occupies itself with what other people should do with their bread?

pretty much everyone in the world thinks at some point about the distribution of resources in some way or another

I would just like you to have the stand upness at this point to admit that you are an authoritarian. That you feel you have very good reasons for being one and that it’s nobody’s business that you feel that way.

i’m literally trying to trap you into agreeing with me about this whole thing that is anti authoritarian and if you’d just answer the questions i think i can eventually post this wiki page explaining it and make you hate me but i can’t even get you to say that it’d be nice if people shared with one another

How in the fuck is your plan to convince me that forcing the entirety of creation to be one way or another is antiauthoritarian?

like when you have a problem with authority that’s so deep that you see everything as a potential authority that must be battled against

there’s no force in it