first attempt at de-philosophizing; complete faillure

Hi. Pleased to make your aquaintance. I am well, thank you. Excellent, Outstanding, even. Anyway; Let’s dispense with the pleasantries and some to a point. I have one! He cries out. I got this itch; I want to get out of the web of philosophy!
Yes, my dear friends for whom I cherish unknown feelings;
I have decided that I will analyze philosophy back to my psychology, in order to erase the thinkers of the ages out fo my genes.


I have just defined Nietzsche as the first attempt to dephilosophy
But now I will de-Nietzsche, I will de-dephilosophize into another Omaric Rainbow; a deeper illustion of my Self; a more profound being,
Nietzsche, of course, was right. About everything; except all other everythings. But he was at least right about everything.
I am even better than Nietzsche at being right at everything. That is at least a start. Until the uebermensch is right about all everythings plus the secret bonuses in the hidden caves over the top of the entrance in level 1:2 and 4:3, it can’t hurt to be right at about two or three everythings per week and train for the big one in weekends.

Attent, Hut!

anyways, if I remember this dephilosophizing stuff tomorrow I’m going to go at it. Otherwise, r-e-s-t-e-c-p to dbkane for despatializing.

You’ll never be able to do it. It’s impossible. It’s worse than crack.

Haven’t even got to actually philosophizing yet but I have heard the come down is a bit of a nightmare!

We should make a Thus Spake Zarathustra computer game, if there isn’t one already.

There is one already.

Milikowskian, it seems your recent posts would fit better in The Rant House than on the Philosophy forum.