Hi. Pleased to make your aquaintance. I am well, thank you. Excellent, Outstanding, even. Anyway; Let’s dispense with the pleasantries and some to a point. I have one! He cries out. I got this itch; I want to get out of the web of philosophy!
Yes, my dear friends for whom I cherish unknown feelings;
I have decided that I will analyze philosophy back to my psychology, in order to erase the thinkers of the ages out fo my genes.
I have just defined Nietzsche as the first attempt to dephilosophy
But now I will de-Nietzsche, I will de-dephilosophize into another Omaric Rainbow; a deeper illustion of my Self; a more profound being,
Nietzsche, of course, was right. About everything; except all other everythings. But he was at least right about everything.
I am even better than Nietzsche at being right at everything. That is at least a start. Until the uebermensch is right about all everythings plus the secret bonuses in the hidden caves over the top of the entrance in level 1:2 and 4:3, it can’t hurt to be right at about two or three everythings per week and train for the big one in weekends.
Attent, Hut!
anyways, if I remember this dephilosophizing stuff tomorrow I’m going to go at it. Otherwise, r-e-s-t-e-c-p to dbkane for despatializing.