First is emotion, then feeling, then consciousness of feelin

First is emotion, then feeling, then consciousness of feeling

First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling.

What are the emotions? The primary emotions are happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. The secondary or social emotions are such things as pride, jealousy, embarrassment, and guilt. Damasio considers the background emotions are well-being or malaise, and calm or tension. The label of emotion has also been attached to drives and motivations and to states of pain and pleasure.

Antonio Damasio, Distinguished Professor and Head of the Department of Neurology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, testifies in his book “The Feelings of What Happens” that the biological process of feelings begins with a ‘state of emotion’, which can be triggered unconsciously and is followed by ‘a state of feeling’, which can be presented nonconsciously; this nonconscious state can then become ‘a state of feeling made conscious’.

“Emotions are about the life of an organism, its body to be precise, and their role is to assist the organism in maintaining life…emotions are biologically determined processes, depending upon innately set brain devices, laid down by long evolutionary history…The devices that produce emotions…are part of a set of structures that both regulate and represent body states…All devices can be engaged automatically, without conscious deliberation…The variety of the emotional responses is responsible for profound changes in both the body landscape and the brain landscape. The collection of these changes constitutes the substrate for the neural patterns which eventually become feelings of emotion.”

The biological function of emotions is to produce an automatic action in certain situations and to regulate the internal processes so that the creature is able to support the action dictated by the situation. The biological purpose of emotions are clear, they are not a luxury but a necessity for survival.

“Emotions are inseparable from the idea of reward and punishment, pleasure or pain, of approach or withdrawal, of personal advantage or disadvantage. Inevitably, emotions are inseparable from the idea of good and evil.”

Emotions result from stimulation of the senses from outside the body sources and also from stimulations from remembered situations. Evolution has provided us with emotional responses from certain types of inducers put these innate responses are often modified by our culture.

“It is through feelings, which are inwardly directed and private, that emotions, which are outwardly directed and public, begin their impact on the mind; but the full and lasting impact of feelings requires consciousness, because only along with the advent of a sense of self do feelings become known to the individual having them.”

First, there is emotion, then comes feeling, then comes consciousness of feeling. There is no evidence that we are conscious of all our feelings, in fact evidence indicates that we are not conscious of all feelings.

Human emotion and feeling pivot on consciousness; this fact has not been generally recognized prior to Damasio’s research. Emotion has probably evolved long before consciousness and surfaces in many of us when caused by inducers we often do not recognize consciously.

The powerful contrast between emotion and feeling is used by the author in his search for a comprehension of consciousness. It is a neurological fact, states the author, that when consciousness is suspended then emotion is likewise usually suspended. This observed human characteristic led Damasio to suspect that even though emotion and consciousness are different phenomenon that there must be an important connection between the two.

Damasio proposes “that the term feeling should be reserve for the private, mental experience of an emotion, while the term emotion should be used to designate the collection of responses, many of which are publicly observable.” This means that while we can observe our own private feelings we cannot observe these same feelings in others.

Empirical evidence indicates that we need not be conscious of emotional inducers nor can we control emotions willfully. We can, however, control the entertainment of an emotional inducer even though we cannot control the emotion induced.

I was raised as a Catholic and taught by the nuns that “impure thoughts” were a sin only if we “entertained’ bad thoughts after an inducer caused an emotion that we felt, i.e. God would not punish us for the first impure thought but He would punish us for dwelling upon the impure thought. If that is not sufficient verification of the theory derived from Damasio’s empirical evidence, what is?

In a typical emotion, parts of the brain sends forth messages to other parts of the body, some of these messages travel via the blood stream and some via the body’s nerve system. These neural and chemical messages results in a global change in the organism. The brain itself is just as radically changed. But, before the brain becomes conscious of this matter, before the emotion becomes known, two additional steps must occur. The first is feeling, i.e. an imaging of the bodily changes, followed by a ‘core consciousness’ to the entire set of phenomena. “Knowing an emotion—feeling a feeling—only occurs at this point.”

Quotes from “The Feelings of What Happens” by Antonio Damasio

Questions for discussion

What is the relationship between instinct and emotion?

Do all creatures have emotions? Do all creatures have feelings?

Damasio believes that “Inevitably, emotions are inseparable from the idea of good and evil.” I agree do you?

Emotion is the nexus between instinct and intellect.

By the way, from my perspective fear is the primary emotion out of which all other emotions emerge as reaction to it or enancements and redirections of it.

Happiness = absence of fear - the state of mind where fear is the furthest from consciousness. Bliss.
Usually temporary and the result of the satiation of the basic biological needs. Fear being the anxiety that the unity will not manage to maintain or protect or enhance itself.
Since, for me, existence is temporality then fear is the reaction towards the awarenes of this temporality and theflux that threatens to deconstruct it and return it to the chaotic, disordering, mix.

Sadness = surrender to fear - the state of submission to the inevitable. The mind acknowledging its own limits and becoming aware, but not yet accepting, its nature - helplessness.

Anger = resistance to fear or a reaction against it. The state if mind, akin to sadness but different in that it denies surrender and reacts in violence and heightened exclusion and dicrimination. The unity going on high-alert.

Surprise = the sudden apparance of fear. The state of mind facing its own ignorance and its vulnerabiity to the unknown. If the surprise is negative a reaction of sadness or anger follows. If the surprise is positive the fear quickly turns to relief - happiness.
When the mind is surprised by reality but the consequences are focused upon another - the observer feels relief at escaping the tragedy of another - then we have the phenomenon of humor - here we see the link between tragedy/comedy.

Disgust = the fear of what is least like the self or detrimental to the self. A state of mind indicating the appearance of a threat which needs to be excluded from assimilation or consumption.
Life feeds on life - on that which is most like its self - and so disgust or lust or attraction or hunger is the recongition of that which contains the elements most necessary to the organism.
Excrement being the elements least like the organism or least useful to it.
We are disgustd by that which we want to exclude from our Becoming.

My position stems from my beleif that awareness of the other preceeds awareness of the self. Evidence for this is that only higher organisms exhibit self-awareness.
The first function of the senses is to percieve that which is other than self or the environment.
The environment, the other, being unknown results in anxiety and stress in the oganism. It also results in the reaction of exclusion or avoidance, so as to maitnain self-cohesion (survival) and to determine usefulness, utility in the other.

Thusly fear is the primary emotion.
Love is a subsequent evolution or reaction to fear to enable procreation and social cooperation, due to weakness or biological lmiations.
Love is a method of innebriating the mind to its natural tendancy for fear (avoidance, exclusion, discrimination) so as to facilitate social interactions.

You don’t specify, but incase you are talking about the order, feeling can happen first which can but does’nt have to cause one to feel emotion/s.
Emotions however mean that you will feel, given only emotion, feeling and conscious thought as options, this is how it works get this:

Emotion → Feeling → Optional (Does’nt require conscious thought or emotion to follow but conscious thought is likely to happen)

Feeling → Optional (Does’nt require conscious thought or emotion to follow but once again conscious thought is likely to happen )

Conscious Thought → Emotion → Feeling (In this case the emotion and feeling can be very minute or barely noticable up to the other end of the scale)


You are walking down a path, unknown to you a stone that someone threw at you is about to hit you. when it does, you [b]feel[/b] (pressure/pain)


Out of the 3 possible reactions, any of the 3 can happen.

  • You could immediately feel a different variety of emotions depending on the whole situation surrounding that moment, feeling ‘panicy’ or vengful are 2 among many.

  • You could also think after feeling the stone hit you, get your bearings and see what the situations is and how to react.

  • You could do niether, in the case of very minute feeling it is usuall for it not to directly influence your next conscious thought, feeling or emotion.
    howether when it is a strong feeling this is the least likely as the first 2 are instinctual in this case, but still very possible to do.

The most common order in the kind of scenario mentioned is:
Feeling → Conscious Thought → Emotion.


Yes thought → emotion → feeling, all ideas and thoughts cause feeling to some degree ranging from good-bad. The idea of a reward is not necessarily a ‘positive’ one as with others.

We are conscious of all our feelings if you count sub-consiousness, which is a form of conscious…

Most people can controll their emotions on some level and i can prevent myself myself from feeling a few at all…

Emotions are instinctual but can be caused by thought, they are their to help us understand how to react or what to think. Critical thinkers such as myself don’t need to rely or use them as we focus on reason instead of what emotion we feel is telling us to do.

Do all creatures have emotions? Do all creatures have feelings?

Emotions, i don’t think they all do or that mant, feelings, maybe most mamals if not all, i really can’t say because i don’t know…

‘good and evil’ are for fantasy and religion, well evil is, it’s :good and bad. If you see evil as a word for ‘really bad’ and dont use it as a religious reference, very well but it confuses the meaning with those that do so ‘bad’ would be more accurate i say.

I agree that emotions range from pleasure-pain.
I don’t agree that thinking of the word ‘good’ and ‘evil’ are the only that cause emotion.

I believe that is not so much emotion that drives us as it is passion

What is this? Is this what you think or someone else?