weeklystandard.com/Content/P … 2qvfeb.asp
weeklystandard.com/Content/P … 7wnmrb.asp
and even the rabid left wing hate bush news site:
why target rove? why target delay? simple… because the democRats can NOT defeat the republicans in open and honest policy debates or at the election box, so the left wing liars have to resort to name calling, innuendo, and trumped up- false charges in an attempt to smear the republicans while they offer no solutions of their own except failed soviet style policies…
After looking over every single link, I can only say, what a
load of crap. Thee is so much wrong here…
OK, first of all, plame was a undercover CIA agent.
Please show me who printed her name as a CIA
agent before novack did. Which newspaper, or
columnist reported she was a CIA agent before novack.
Now the next points are connected so pay attention.
First point is the idea of the covert agent.
I call this “the James bond fallacy”. the idea that
all covert agents follow James bond. That is just
plain wrong. Most CIA agents, covert or otherwise,
do desk work. The vast majority of “spying” is really just
people doing desk work and studying intelligence reports.
The second point is the point about plame and her husband
wilson. Note, how they say, that plame sent her wilson
to Niger to check on the nuke material.
That point kinda skips past the real point here.
What was plame job? During the last election,
the first debate, Kerry and bush were asked the same
question, which they agreed to, with the exact same answer.
The question, “What is the greatest danger the US faces”
Both answered with " loose nuclear weapons and nuclear material
which al qaeda might get hold of" especially from the former
soviet union. So what was Plame job? She was
the point person for the cia in searching for loose nukes
and people interested in those nukes. How important is that
job when both kerry and bush said that was the greatest
danger facing the US. And this is why they say, plame sent
her husband wilson, she was a key figure in securing loose
nukes and the material for those nukes. Otherwise,
her sending him makes no sense. The right wing
simply makes up lies about wilson and plame.
The lies are over.
And the truth begins.