First of many......

I see from CNN that an arrest warrant
has been issued for tom delay.
It is rumored that up to 10 people may
possibly be indicted for the plume affair
including rove and Mr VP himself dick Chaney.
Which leads us to the second rumor that
Chaney will resign very soon.

It is a very good day in the neighborhood.

stay tune

same bat channel, same bat time


innocent until proven guilty?

no, guilt by innuendo and accusation against republicans…

left wing liars salivating already…

there is no case against delay… and watch the prosecutor get sued for malicious and false prosecution…

there is no case against rove…

have a nice day…

btw. what do the democRats stand for besides higher taxes and a socialist state that they can never admit supporting?

are hate bush, hate republicans and left wing lies all you got?


To be partisan for a moment: I do not remember anyone but the democrats saying those words during the Clinton scandal. Everyone “knew” he was guilty, and an evil man to boot.

Sure, the rape case was thrown out due to lack of evidence. but he’s evil!

Back to Delay:

He’s a politician, isn’t he? Sounds guilty enough to me.

Hey Imp,

No case against Delay? Rove? Libby? Gee, a whole bunch of liberal conspiracy plots - again. Well, you could be right, but over the years, I haven’t seen any political party with a firm grip on righteousness.

At some point, you might begin to see nothing but self-serving Republicrats, many, but not all, culpable to the sins of power. A politician is neither liberal or conservative. Most are nothing but windsocks sensitive to the slightest breeze…or the smell of cash.


screw righteousness…

there is no case. period.

3 grand juries?

3 of them before he could find one to charge delay…

if he had a case, the first one would have said so…

and hell yes republicans are self serving… at least they are honest about it, unlike the lying left wing totalitarians…


Hope the accusations are public, so we can all think regarding the evidence and charges. Yes, Clinton is corrupt, he perjured himself, but again does any group have the right to investigate a person’s sex life, unless the person is using kiddy porn?? Starr was a big waste of tax money, no charges, nothing really found regarding Whitewate. If you have valid evidence, I am interested.

I will wait until making a judgement regarding Delay, Rove, etc. My gut says guilty, but by instincts may be wrong, and instincts are no way to judge a person.


The liberals really hate any decision that Bush makes, or any action he takes. They are too passionate in their hate, but then again, outing Plame, was vicious too. I wonder how many individuals may die a very horrendous death because of the right wing hate.

The point it, probably most politicians are corrupt, and hate it when thrwarted by the other side. They are all corrupt, haven’t seen an honest one in too many years.

Again, most all leaders are corrupt, and the U.S. leaders are not any more corrupt than any most other leaders.

This I do not understand, and see this in both the liberal, conservative, and even the moderate leaders. They all tend to be hypocrits. Just look at the Zimbambwe jerk lambasting Bush, after he decimated his country; the fool.

no one from the bush camp outed plame…

she and her husband wilson had been open and very public about who they were for years before bush even got elected…

if anyone outed plame, it was the only one with motive… the author of a newly published smear book… wilson himself.

and no, the right wing is not corrupt as the left wing claims… if it were, it would be proven in court time and time again, but all the left has is insult and innuendo… never any evidence.

not saying the right is “right”, but they are a far cry more honest than the lefties…


Hi Imp, can you provide valid sources? I have not heard this, even though many accuse me of listening to Fox. I am really asking.

Also, why is Rove under investigation if he had not outed her? I know she did an interview, but did the interview discuss her CIA activity? What I have perused, and I do mean perused, claims that she did not claim to be an operative, just a low-level paper pusher of some sort. … 5714.shtml … 2qvfeb.asp … 7wnmrb.asp

and even the rabid left wing hate bush news site:

why target rove? why target delay? simple… because the democRats can NOT defeat the republicans in open and honest policy debates or at the election box, so the left wing liars have to resort to name calling, innuendo, and trumped up- false charges in an attempt to smear the republicans while they offer no solutions of their own except failed soviet style policies…


[quote=“Impenitent”] … 2qvfeb.asp … 7wnmrb.asp

and even the rabid left wing hate bush news site:

why target rove? why target delay? simple… because the democRats can NOT defeat the republicans in open and honest policy debates or at the election box, so the left wing liars have to resort to name calling, innuendo, and trumped up- false charges in an attempt to smear the republicans while they offer no solutions of their own except failed soviet style policies…

After looking over every single link, I can only say, what a
load of crap. Thee is so much wrong here…

OK, first of all, plame was a undercover CIA agent.
Please show me who printed her name as a CIA
agent before novack did. Which newspaper, or
columnist reported she was a CIA agent before novack.
Now the next points are connected so pay attention.
First point is the idea of the covert agent.
I call this “the James bond fallacy”. the idea that
all covert agents follow James bond. That is just
plain wrong. Most CIA agents, covert or otherwise,
do desk work. The vast majority of “spying” is really just
people doing desk work and studying intelligence reports.
The second point is the point about plame and her husband
wilson. Note, how they say, that plame sent her wilson
to Niger to check on the nuke material.
That point kinda skips past the real point here.
What was plame job? During the last election,
the first debate, Kerry and bush were asked the same
question, which they agreed to, with the exact same answer.
The question, “What is the greatest danger the US faces”
Both answered with " loose nuclear weapons and nuclear material
which al qaeda might get hold of" especially from the former
soviet union. So what was Plame job? She was
the point person for the cia in searching for loose nukes
and people interested in those nukes. How important is that
job when both kerry and bush said that was the greatest
danger facing the US. And this is why they say, plame sent
her husband wilson, she was a key figure in securing loose
nukes and the material for those nukes. Otherwise,
her sending him makes no sense. The right wing
simply makes up lies about wilson and plame.
The lies are over.
And the truth begins.


Thanks Imp,

I will take a look.

Great sources, I just perused them, and they are interesting.

Sorry all, my car radio buttons are not working in Nevada, I was scanning the news and found Laura Ingram (sp) a really right-wing, but intelligent person. Checked her credentials and yes she is indeed a lawyer. In any case, she had conservatives on slaming Bush and Company regarding Plame and they also believe Rove outed her, and these were really big time CONSERVATIVES.

The caps added as I found this surprising.

I am still perusing, and will not make a judgement until thinking regarding all the evidence.


And please no snide comments regarding my thinking skills, at least I have the courage to admit I do not know regarding a subject and do not insult those who disagree, unless insulted three or four times first.

I’m LAUGHING at the liars on the left…

delay conspiracy indictment QUASHED … TE=DEFAULT

of course look at the headline and the obvious bias in the news story…

they have to cling to the hope that the phony money laundering charge keeps delay busy…

sing a happy liberal song…


Good article Imp, and from a generally more liberal source, but note, he is not off the hook yet.

Hum, many lie regardless of their party. Both liberals and conservatives lie when it benefits their party or lining their pockets. Remember Clinton?



Silly bleeding heart. Rich white people don’t go to jail.

You guys got it all wrong. two party system is no dice… the fear of getting not re-elected = good done for your country…

oh Canada :smiley:

Is Clinton in jail? No. Generally, you are correct though, the rich can afford the good attorneys. Cheney is in the game for power, he is very rich in his own right.

Valeria Plame was on the cover of a magazine and was not undercover at the time. Generally, it is claimed that many knew she was CIA, and instigated he husband’s investigative trip.