First uni essay

I’ve got my first ever ever uni essay. It’s on the problem of Induction and the title is “how do we know the sun will come up tomorrow”

I have four books to read, and i’m about to start but I just thought I’d mention.

wish me luck :smiley::smiley:

Best of Luck luck! but, you are quite intelligent so I don’t think you will need luck as much as you will need Tea or coffee.

Missed you here!

Goodluckies sara. Work hard and get a top score.

Thanks that’s really sweet. Unfortunately I’m now in the land of the ubersmart so quite intelligent probably won’t do the trick!!! gah.

Hi Sarax,

You may be in the land of uberintelligence, but that isn’t the same thing as ubersmart, and you have both. You’ll do fine.

Have pmd you an article link.

everyones being really lovely, have you missed me or something?

ooo first lectures tomorrow, i have it’s a logic one, and then I’ve got a set text one on meno, which I’ll have to buy so I can scribble in it.

thank you for the link OBW did you write that or just happen to come across it? anyone else is welcome to post helpful links or comments too. I can use all the hints/advice I can find!!!



Dear one I have no “higher education” I am just a self educated person who advocates that sheepskin. Stand tall and stand proud let no obstacle get in your way. I would enjoy addressing you as Dr. Sarax :smiley: Find your way and you will be superb, depend upon yourself and you will fly to unimagined heights. Be responsible and you will command respect. Be able to crack a joke to relieve tension and you will be loved. Be fair and mostly honest and you will be the ultimate. You go and kick butt. :smiley:

You’ll quickly learn that uni essays have a lower standard than you would like.

i doubt it,

anyways, this really isnt going very well, i’m on a deadline and i’m a bit confused, firstly how the hell am i supposed to do this without reading hume???

secondly, should i quote extensively as i go along, or instead say as russell said… but in my own words

also should i reference every time i use someone even if its in my own words and only a tiny bit, or just for big key references… eek,

anyone help??


Is it an essay or a research paper?

If it was me I’d write a research paper and then make the conclusions part an essay where I review the major thinker’s ideas that I put in the body. That’s because higher eduction is all about the research paper, and so such a thing will impress those that value it.

Inductive reasoning is basically the Scientific Method.

The SM works because the the scientist proposes the Null Hyopthesis first. In other words he doesn’t start out trying to prove that an effect is going to happen, but that it’s not going to happen.

When findings are in, stats are applied to consider chance of error, the amount of results found versus not found. So, the scientist can still say I haven’t proved cause…but.

The problems with observation as a research technique are dealt with in this way.

well boys and girls this essay went fabulously, the next one was ok. i dread to think about the third… eek. am so drunk right now. kisses to my fave philosophers.


good to hear your essay worked… why don’t you post it in the essay section?


I don’t know, because they are quite rubbish, there are now three of them, how do we know the sun will rise tomorrow?, what makes me the same person now I was a year ago? and what constitutes free will and do wwe have it? currently writing for a 5pm deadline “the match caused the fire?”

