I wrote a poem in response to the current war that makes me very sad, Being an artist I hope that this way I can add a little positive energy to the otherwise grim climate by meng qiu
it’s the fish that live and die
if fish in a fishbowl swim left and right,
if people on earth live through light and night,
and hands feed the fish with fishfood at bright,
and fate bestows people with fortune and pride,
when fish feel lucky and happy and well,
when people feel safe and health and wealth,
then water freezes to ice and fish see no light,
then peace turns to war and people must fight,
and coldness and darkness cast shadows like night,
and evil emerges with no ends in sight,
but someday the ice will break and crack,
but fighting will cease when much blood was shed,
if beams of light fall through the top of the ice,
if peace talks resume even fighting resides,
then summer returns to the fishbowl at last,
then peace is established and war is just past,
again will the hands feed the fishbowl at bright,
again will the peoples feel wealth and pride,
what a wonderful place for a fish to be,
what a marvelous world for all peoples to see,
in the end all fish live and all fish die,
we all know how, but I still wonder why.
Meng Qiu