Flew The Coup!

Anthony Flew has finally gone to the other side…the bastard. Anyway, this is no vindication for the religious, who will do plenty of mindless gloating. Even if he’s right, it’s an UNjustified true belief, like buying SIRI at 6 and it going to 9.

If anything, it’s a vindication of science, if there is any justification, and I doubt there is. A philosopher isn’t always the best judge of biological and statistical data, or natural evolution. He’s an old man who’s going soft, and I can’t wait to see the counter-evidence pour in.

Look, there might be a God. But evidence for one? Puh-lease.

I’m not sure if I appreciate this implication.

Ask me about my grandchildren!

Well, sorry sir. But I’m sure you see it all the time in your circles, and it probably bugs you as much as it bugs me, not that anything can be done about. And if its the double entendre you’re referring too, well, something can be done about it. Thanks again to science, no help from religion there either.

Doesn’t God want us to be fruitful and multiply?

Jesus gave me an erection!

I would pick on Atheists but there are not many left nowadays. :frowning:

Jesus made you vote?


atheists are, in effect, their own gods. They profess to be autonoumous architechs of their future.

I wouldn’t dignify religion by even saying I’m an atheist. I’m human, I know that much, and then there’s the stuff I don’t know. I can admit my gaps in knowledge and be the better man for it, or fill it with a bunch of contrived speculations of primative men who wrote poetry.

I just hope this Flew thing doesn’t give ID enthusiast more ammo.

there is the term apatheist.

unfortunately, cool sounding and stylishly non chalant as it is, it doesnt apply to me because i simply care too much.

Are you implying I’m apathetic, or just going on a tangent? Look folks, this Flew thing will arm the religious common denominator with more bullet points for recruitment. Antony Flew is a leading voice in the nonbeliever school, an 80-year old Oxford dignitary professor who’s been around forever. He turned! (ala Tolstoy, I suspect, the big pussy.) Now he’s crowing about intelligent design. I think this is controversial and you should be aware of it.

good for him, that old dog

Update on Flew: He says he’s still an atheist:



"Sorry to Disappoint, but I’m Still an Atheist!
by Antony Flew

Those rumours speak false. I remain still what I have been now for over fifty years, a negative atheist…"

No Membrane…that is not correct. You found an article from 2001. Flew has been teetering toward theism for several years now, and the most recent article last week is the only update I’m aware of. Better him than Dawkins…but still, it’s troubling, and maybe there’s something to it, maybe not. Any more responders about this potentially contentious development?

Doh! Nevermind. :blush: