For the People

Father God we look to you,
in troubled times like these.
For unending wars and too much debt,
which bring us to our knees.
For people here who have lost their faith,
and confuse reality.
For all manner of our dreaded sin,
even distorted sexuality.
For the first world burning wheat for heat,
while starvation plagues the rest.
For wasted money on foreign oil,
when our own soil could pass the test.
For mineral rights given only to Elk Hills,
while not on my land because “if it spills”.
For forgetting the penalties for rebellion,
as it was in Deuteronomy,
For the price of meat that’s rising fast,
and the cost of water in our economy.
For fetal tissue in products and for no end,
except for this prayer and a quick Godsend.

Did you like that poem? If so, try reading more of this author’s works. He co-authored the book “College By Twelve” and there you can read how he and his wife raised their first four children to start college by the age of 12. Just go to