Ford CEO working for $1 a year … get-loans/

I don’t know if that is even more insulting than the private jets. If this asshole can work for $1 a year that is almost a slap in the face considering how much he probably has already. I don’t know if I’d bail them out. This plan sounds better. I still think it is a better idea for me if the consumers who have loans and need cars get the money. I don’t know… Thoughts?

I think that’s $1 too much.

I read a similar article earlier that stated their pay from last year…most of them ranged in the $1.5 - $2MM range for a base salary, and then $27-30MM in compensation…

I think it’s awesome that he is going to work for 1 dollar.

It’s a publicity stunt.

Umm, really I have to side with cba on this one. I heard that on the news this morning and figured this guy was just scum along with the rest of the highly paid folks at these plants. Why not loan the company their own money? The big 3 are not good enough to loan to? Really makes you wonder.

Yeah seriously. Why can’t rich people gather their resources and start their own banks or something?

They know what kind of people they are??? Would you loan to a thief? :laughing: :laughing:

Ever see those sales at stores that advertize 50 to 60% off? Do you think they are losing money???

You guys just hate rich people because you’re poor.

Personally, I think hating rich people because your poor is as pathetic as racism or any other ism. If you want money, then take it. There is plenty to be had. If you hate blacks, then address them directly and let them know you hate them.

If you bottle it all up you turn into someone who doesn’t do anything but complain about others on the internet.

That is why I am taking a stand and letting all you classists know that I think you are shit.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Do straw men fight back?

Does that mean $1 of salary plus stock options? Call me a cynic, but I find it very difficult to believe that he’s doing this out of the goodness of his heart. What’s the angle?

He’s not saying anything about next year’s salary (etc). I bet he keeps his expense account - which I’d wager either of us could live on.

I hate rich people because they spend their money on stupid shit. I hate rich because the only quality usually that makes them interesting or nationaly important is their wealth. It would be different if rich people were scientists or thinkers of some sort but they never are. They are athletes and CEOs who’s only good deed will be donating to charities. They are incapable of advancing the human condition beyond their ability to hand out money to people who are capable of doing so. They are not important to the process of overcoming anything. They’re fucking useless and the fact that they horde their money, to me is hindering the potential of others.

Not all wealthy are that way.

I kind of figure that all the CEOs and those just below them could afford the 30 + billion loan to their own companies, but, they don’t… So obviously they lack confidence in themselves… So why is the Gov’t purposely being blind to this??? Hmmm, Hard to figure eh??? :laughing: :laughing:

Just outta curiosity, how’s this all going down in America? Cause our coverage (or what little I’ve seen) makes it appear very calm, but that’s probably just British reporters :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering just how many people are tied into vehicles for a job here it can get pretty nasty should the big 3 shut down. The job loss would be in the millions.

At least you admit it. The rest of you are douche bags.

It creeps it’s way into a lot of conversations as an excuse for cutting corners financially. But as far as how it is effecting our markets… I hear parts of the country are completely useless especially in the south. Some southern states from what I heard have almost no gas to run their vehicles on. A kid I used to work with (I’m a valet) came up from Florida to New York because he said there was no work down there. My friend’s father who once owned his own construction business had to fire most of his employees and is now asking his son who is an electrician for work. Another guy I worked with was out of work for a couple weeks up to a month until we picked him up. He doesn’t work their anymore though. I don’t know what he’s doing for bills. What else… My sisters job almost wasn’t able to pay her salary because of the credit freeze. Businesses are started to close here and there but nothing big yet. Price of food is slowly going up, the price of gas is slowly going down. I think once inflation sets in we will realized how fucked we are but right now we are just kinda living cheaply. Like the calm before a storm it seems. But I live in New York and from what I hear this part of the country isn’t half as bad as other parts. So you might be right… we aren’t paniced or anything but black friday (I don’t know if you have that, it’s a one day event of big sales) did end up killing 3 people.

Yeah but it isn’t so much that I hate rich people because I’m poor. I hate rich people because I feel like they could be doing more and feel if I had that much money and that much power that I would be doing more. I don’t hate wealth I hate idiots especially when they have the world in their hands.

isn’t envy beautiful?
