If the universe is a predestined one, and you had enough information and were intelligent enough, you could unerringly predict the future right up til the end of the universe (and beyond, if there is one). I doubt the universe is predestined- I think there is a certain amount of pure, true randomness to it. This means you could make very few detailed predictions that were true very far into the future, although some based on physics and astronomy would likely be pretty solid for the most part.
I have seen the future many times myself. But only in a dream and I never realise it until too late. And I mean every little detail is there, colors and positions of topics to feelings and conversation.
I wish I could control this.
The universe is only partially predestined. Some things are meant to happen where as others are simply the choices we make. This is why people are so confused. They see both destiny and free-will around them.