
No pressure.

Another fun read, rainey.
It’s possible I’m a fan.

You have truly depicted the grace that children bestow on us. Isn’t it amazing how, while we’re busy trying to hold the world for them, they’re busy saving us?

Wonderful, Rainey.

Thanks, san.

“…while we’re busy trying to hold the world for them, they’re busy saving us”

Beautifully said, Anita. Thank you.

Just awesome. I hope you share this with her some day, although if you parent anything like you write it, I think she’ll already know.

Thanks for the kind words, Carleas. Actually this one isn’t quite so autobiographical. I was inspired watching a little girl walking along with her father, holding his hand and looking up at him as he was talking as though his words were gospel. I do remember the feeling. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that my son (now 19) walked along with me in the same way, and I imagine that experience helped me write it.

I sometimes suffer from something I call pre-nostalgia, mainly when I’m pegging out my kid’s clothes on the line. I look at these teeny-tiny little tops and trousers and think, there will be a time when I will miss this.

Great poem, and now I’m going to make you blush and add: as always.