fractal geometry

is a fantastic way of representing the patterns of the process of human thoughts.



There is no argument presented. It’s a value judgment statement which can be either true or false. Either it is a fantastical way of representing whatever, or it’s not.

It it can be either true or false then how is thinksweet a liar? :^o [-X

How is [s]he not? I responded to a statement with another statement. Get with the joke, duder.

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist those emoticons. :^o [-X

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The OP made a lot of sense, and I can demonstrate this by using the actual posts from this thread. For example, here’s a scan of Tristan’s brain at the moment that he posted, representing his thought, “liar”:

I understand. They’re great emoticons.
I’ve been aching to use this myself. :-({|=