Frankenstotle and the New Metaphysics

how does one “see things as they really are”?

are you familiar with bishop berkeley’s primary and secondary qualities?



one can never get close enough


he tried to see things as they “really” are too…


and if he had the tools we have now, do you think he would think the same?

no, the depth is the same…
the logic is the same…
the “reason” is the same…

the names have been changed to confuse the innocent…

exactly the same…

the “tools” have nothing to do with anything…

the “magic” all seeing super actual really real truth seeing device does not exist.


and i’m sure if Berkeley was here now his perspective would be different simply because of the things we know, that work, just because we can “see and touch” in 3D.

we probe deeper and deeper into things since Berkeley. there is no "device" persay. but there are [b]devices [/b]

not at all, bishop berkeley would be just as blinded by his faith now as he was then… and probably moreso because even your “deeper” and deepest probing into things still leaves the “material substance” unseen…


so his Reasoning and logic is no longer valid, obviously.

no, his reasoning and logic were quite valid for him… obviously…

and you have not presented an argument that refutes his arguments or his beliefs…


yes i have. go back to my 3D argument.

no, you have not. you haven’t shown “material substance” and you cannot. berkeley’s argument remains unscathed…


but i have. Berkeleys argument, is no longer valid.

refer again to my 3D argument.