Free will...?


Someone who believed in free will, like me, could say you are equivocating on the word ‘because’ here. Yes, a teenager makes the choice to drift away from Christianity, and their decision was based in part on a desire to be cool or controversial. Whether or not this is the same ‘because’ as ‘the rock fell because I dropped it’ is the very thing being discussed.

Yes; good read, short and sweet.

You choose what to worship; this is your relative freedom of will. This is agreed, and this is enough.

If you choose to reject a movement toward an ideal; an ideal that might not exist in the here and now as something you can arrive at but, still exist in the fulness of Being as something you can move toward; is that not a free choice? look; biology is a rock falling and the sun is a wind that blows the rock back up; chlorophyl is one of the sails, reasoned consideration another. Consciousness can stop the rock from falling and, the wind just keeps blowing; that’s the inevidability of trancendance for those who try. You just have to try.

Yes, you are free to jump off the edge of a cliff if you like. However, you are also free to be restricted to a wheel chair for the rest of your life. And, while we may ask how restrictiveness applies to free will, the restrictions don’t begin to apply until after we’ve made the choice and, lose a piece of our “functionality.” So, the choice here it would seem, would be not to do stupid things.

Does anyone here believe that I could control everyone else on the planet?

yes, no?

sometimes it’s better to let sages speak for us.

Why can’t the two co-exist?

They cannot coexist.

Fate=no matter what I do the end result will be the same (the means will always find the same end)

Free Will=I have the will to control where I end up, and who I am (the means to any end are unique and controlable by each individual)

I have a feeling it has to be one or the other.

But what about the question I asked in my last post…

Then I promise I will let you guys move on to bigger and better things :slight_smile:

they can co-exist, you have the free will to change your fate.

if you have enough might, you can control anyone.

then it’s not really fate, is it? I thought fate was immutable

hrmm…yeah that’s exactly what I was going to try to prove…so you agree then, that I could?

fate is immutable unless you change your behaviour. As a philosopher don’t get too caught up in “mere existence”. Duality is a part of humanity. You can have one foot in heaven, while having the other firmly planted on earth. You can be controlled by fate, while at the same time controlling your fate.

That you could? No. You are not mighty enough.


What if I accumulated enough of the world’s weapons of mass destruction and used them? I could kill everyone. Would that not be controling them?
And you don’t think I have the “might” to do this?

duality cannot be proven, and how can you change the absoluteness of fate? it doesn’t make sense that fate is whatever you want it to be, I thought the point of fate/destiny is that you cannot change it…?

if you killed everyone you wouldn’t be controlling them, you’d be killing them. And no you don’t have the might to do that. The first bomb you dropped, would get the hezbollah kicked out of you.

sure it can. It’s light and dark right now on earth. It’s day and night. Good and evil.

What is fate, but a series of choices that lead to some predetermined conclusion? If you jump off a bridge without a parachute, you’re gonna die. You can choose NOT to jump off the bridge, or do so with a parachute.

Each choice has a consequence, good or bad.

think of it this way… we know that Action A + Time/place B = Situation C. If you change A or B, C changes.

yes, your logic is correct, but by definition fate is an unchangeable “C”

therefore the values of A and B do not matter, they will equal C because they were designed to

I don’t know if we’re going to be able to agree on this one…

I thought that by “duality” you were referring to the theoryof dualism–that mind and body are seperate, just as heaven and earth are seperate, in fact if anything it’s been proven that the mind is created from the same matter as the body, monism