How can racism be implied from common development? Those who use genetic development to defend concepts of racism know little or nothing about genetics or races. Again, human hubris makes the wrong distinctions.
Human hubris concludes that they know about the life of molecules.
Racism comes into play when we look at the behavior of certain types of people. It can be concluded that they are acting on instinct instead of conditioning.
We do know about the life of molecules because we are comprised of them. No hubris here, just a continuum of information. Hubris is seeing any previous part of our genetic continuum as inferior to any current aspect of it. It is not interpretation of hereditary information.
Consider Leuenhoeck’s discovery of the microsope and delight at seeing “wee beasties”. They existed before they were seen by the naked eye. Human perspective from first seeing them in no way affected their reality. So now we can decipher genomes. No cause for hubris, just wonder at what better tools can tell us about what was always there.