Friday the 13th

It’s my birthday innit!


Happy birthday, Angel. Twenty-what, now?

(Just guessing from your picture.)

Happy b-day.

As for me, I am old and find that its best to pretend
one doesn’t have birthdays anymore. :smiley:


I’m 34 but don’t look a day older than 21. :sunglasses: You know, it’s in the genes.


(Oh god, I’m using emoticons!)

Young people tend to use emoticons. Us oldsters have trouble holding the cursor steady enough for that.

You poor man. I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost your faculties. What a shame.

No, my reasons for not using them is that they are vulgar.


Sometimes I use a thick pencil, that I won in a fifth-grade spelling bee, just to type. It’s not easy being me.

Happy B-day, LA. Innit, brap brap.(I have no idea what that means I just know it’s London slang) :laughing:

Happy birthday. BTW, how’s the foot?

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday LA!

Happy Birthday Liquid Angel. I love your avatar by the way.

Did you wish your mother a happy BDay too? She was the one that suffered on this day. I have always given my mom at least that. Give her a gift. You will recieve a gift from that worth more than anything you can imagine. If your mother is not alive then wish your father a happy Bday I am sure you were not easy on him either. :laughing:

I always thought Bdays should be more for the parents then the kid. So why do parents sugar up their kids on that day and give them noisy painful toys? cuz we are goofy about our darlings. Yes I am guilty of that.

It just always seemed queer, the kid did not do a darn thing except eat, poop,pee, sleep and scream , the Mom and Dad had the hard traumatic day. So on your next BDay wish them a happy day, they were the true sufferers that day.

Thank you, innit is the way Londoners say “is it not” or isn’t it. It’s an affirmative. At first I used it as a joke, now I sort of say it a lot. Mind you I’m usually taking the piss innit. Have no idea what brap brap is…I’ve only been here for 5 years, maybe they use that south of the river. I hardly get south of the river, one needs a passport to travel that far.

Thanks for the cake Bessy.

The foot, tentative I’m happy to report, is whole. For those who don’t know, last year I was getting ready for my birthday dinner, really wasn’t in the mood for celebrating and I jumped off my bed backwards onto the plug of the iron which stabbed me in the foot, you don’t want to go near my bedroom when I’m getting dressed for a party, it’s a little messy. Needless to say I was bedridden for a few days…ouch. Nope, this year I really want to go out to play so there will be no injuries.

Thanks Xunzian and Gobbo.

My avatar Butterfly is very reflective of my mood. Thank you.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Damn that was slick and good timing I am impressed bravo on the title change. I had to blink twice LOL

happy happy


My mom is the best. She knows it too. My dad rocks too.

By the way, the term is “than” not “then”. e.g. LA is younger than I am, but then on the otherhand I’m not particularly concerned with age.


Thanks Imp.


Happy Birthday Ms. Liquidangel.

I must be missing something here but… isn’t that fire?