G.M Bail-out

The CEO’s of the Big Three auto companies, each commanding an average annual salary of $20,000,000, flew into Washington in their private jets at an average cost of $20,000 per flight and told Congress that they are broke and asked for $25 billion to tide them over. They warned America that if the money was not forthcoming three more million people would be out of work.They offered no plan of how they would use the money to better their service.

$25 billion can keep 3 million people in the lap of luxury for the rest of their lives.
I say give the money to the workers and let them spend it on Main Street and kick the idiots out. :mrgreen:

Um, actually MM, $25 billion divided among 3 million people works out to $8,333.33- only enough to tide them over for a few months. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, though.

I would like to propose a better use for the 25 billion, as follows:

  1. Call another round of discussions in Washington regarding the possibility of the bailout.

  2. Write checks to any/all military individuals involved in the preparation/maintenance/operation of the F-16’s/F-15’s/F-22’s that will fly out to obliterate those private planes, (on the ground and in flight).

  3. Use any remaining funds to pay illegal immigrants below minimum wage to clean up the mess.

Worth 25 billion? No, priceless.

$8,333 is a lot of money in third world countries. Send the GM workers to live there in addition to the money.

Sorry, I live in America and still think Britsh. An English billion is a million million. Even so my mental arithmetic is spotty and came up with $800,000, but nice to hear we share the sentiment.

Meh, if one really believes that the people in charge will just waste it, why not buy the companies off them? That way they’re out of a job and you get to keep the profits. Plus, America can start making good cars :stuck_out_tongue:

Alternatively, this is what loans are for… how does 15% interest sound?

You read my mind.