Gender test

Metavoid gave me this test, and i am seeking people to take the test, post their scores, and hopefully prove how incredibly wrong it is!

i’m considered a man (86% accuracy) and can’t believe it! i’m such a girly girl! but then, i am taking philosophy, and some of my closest friends are guys, and i do hang around this (water-downed) testrosteron infected place. so i can understand how on some ways i hold a traditional ‘guy’ perspective.

still sucks. post your score and hopefully the test will have a reverse accuracy.

wow thats some bullshit. I also bet they pick the genders based upon the two questions of middle names ending with vowels and keeping stuff in your pockets im gonna retake that crap and just alter those two awnsers and see what happens I got 20 bucks it’ll call me a woman.

Hah I was 100% right I took it again and merly altred those two awnsers and I’m a woman…

Yeah, I’m considered a woman with the same accuracy, but I can believe it.

Do you think Canada sucks?

  • Yes
  • Yeah

That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! I wanted to click them both. Anyways, it was right for me. God damn would I hate drowning - let me fall to my death anytime. Said there was an 86% chance I was male. They seem to really like that number …

I was also 86% its due to those two questions i mentioned its so obviouse and stupid waste of time :imp:

i’m encouraged by the replies…

underground man, why did you think that those two questions (the middle name and the keeping stuff in your pockets will change your gender?

the canada question SUCKED !!! i can’t believe they wrote it!!! i pretended that it said britain instead and answered (metavoid’s advice)

The strong majority of female names end with a vowel and women/girls by the majority carry around purses/bags while guys keep stuff in there pockets.

I found the canada question quite funny, but then again, I’m easily amused.

I’m also 86% female, apparently

Also, … The Slot Machine?

hahahaha, ahem

Hum, odd. I’m a man with 87% confidence.

Why am I 1% off from everyone else?

Because you’re on the fringe Raf! :laughing: Correctly guessed man with only 80% confidence for me.


Hey, I thought it was odd that so many got so similar, but I’m 1% off… statistically weird considering it has less than 100 questions. It must be weighted.

it says I’m a woman.

I’ve always known I was a lesbian trapped in a mans body

I’ve had dreams about being a lesbian, along with dreams of being eaten by worms(inspired by pink Floyd, perhaps), and dreams of having a third eye (Like the red dot in certain Eastern Mystical religions, something like the 6th Chakra).

Same here - 80%

And I would definitely be a lesbian if I were a woman.

it said I was a guy too :unamused: i am SO not. and i got 87% too.

Well thank you Trix!!!

Ever since I took that darn test I’ve been going through an identity crisis!

That has always been Trix’s contribution to the boards, making people feel poo about themselves :wink: Joke! JOKE!!!

I’m a man with 86% confidence. I think it’s cause I chose the option to say that I find nuclear war appealing in a weird way. I’ve always thought cockroaches needed a better chance.

I think one would be a liar to say they didn’t find nuclear war appealing in a way. Men as well as women at least the women I’ve ever spoken to on this subject.

OH! oooooooooooooooOOH! in the parking lot, afterschool, bring what balls you got, it’s ON!!!

anyway, it seems like the results on the test are pretty much even, with maybe those who got their gender right are in the slight lead. all this proves is that everyone here is way to intelligent to follow any societal construct of the self and choose instead to go with who they know they are. labels can be placed, but do not describe.

anyway, i think i was marked a guy because i like to print. dudes are into doing things the primitive way.