Genes to Memes

Ok. I know you’re throwing out an olive branch here.

You don’t capitalize or use apostrophes.

Spiritually. I’m really good at this innocuous war.

Only retararded people live in fantays worlds.

Sculptor, do you really want to go there with me?

It’s a logical fallacy that if people make mistakes that everything they ever did is wrong.


Once we distinguish need from desire as rooted, respectfully, in lack and excess - the latter determined by the successful satisfaction of the former - we can proceed to distinguish the two types of desire, corresponding to the masculine and the feminine: one wanting to impose itself - its order - upon the world - enhance or adjust/perfect its order - and the other to give itself wholly, and contribute to the world’s order so as to preserve and nurture it.
Longing is a primordial sensation recalling the near-absolute point in space/time - longing for it so as to finalize it, complete it; find absolute fulfillment - attainment of the singularity.
Death wish.
Attainment of a singularity would be the end of existence.
The mind’s ease in creating singularities makes it the source of seductive pretences. It can do so by arbitrarily eliminating space/time to fabricate a one, a theoretical absolute, maintaining it in a state of ambiguity, obscure vagueness. In the dark all become indistinguishable - forms bleeding into each other - where one begins and the other ends gradually diminishes into a uniform darkness.
Children of the moon prefer this state. Children of the light prefer the brutal clarity of the sunlight that distinguishes and separates.
Gods can only exist in the twilight, becoming a connector between the known and the unknown, allowing the mind to project into the unknown, the incomprehensible, its own psychosis cultivated under the harshness of sunlight. Priestly charlatans revel in the twilight, offering themselves as the bridge implying that they see what nobody else can see in the darkness.

Interesting …

But still too dramatic for my taste.


Gene = sequence/segment of DNA informing the cells what to do.
DNA informs cells what proteins to create.
DNA has a four-code system.

Meme = sequence/segment of words informing the mind what to think, visualize, feel.
Language informs the mind what thoughts, images, feelings, to create.
Mind uses a binary - two-code system - 1/0.

Meme, binary, is a reduction of the body’s four-nucletide system.
Simplification/Generalization = abstraction.
This reduction sacrifices complexity to produce efficiency, multiplying effectiveness.
The body processes more data but cannot conceptualize, it can only transmit it to the brain where it is synthesized with sensual data and reduced, via the brain’s binary system, into a form it can process.

Body is a manifestation of the past - past made present as presence and perceived as appearance.
Mind evolved to react in real time, sometimes usurping the body’s automatic reactions, based on its spontaneous judgements/evaluations and choices/reactions.
This is the Cartesian mind/body dichotomy that may result in dissonance when mind contradicts or is contradicted by the body.

Genes are inherited data sequences - past events/interactions, naturally selected and reduced to a form that transmits information to the cells that has proven advantageous.
Memes are inherited or experiences data sequences - past event/interactions, naturally or socially selected to a linguistic form transmitting information to the brain that has proven advantageous.
Genes/memes come in conflict when the data contradict each other and what is socially advantageous may be naturally disadvantageous, or when memes established within manmade environments, over a lifetime, come in conflict with genes that have evolved in natural environments over thousands of years.

Body = four code system
Mind = binary, two code system,, simplification/generalization for the sake of efficiency multiplying the probability of effectiveness = reduction.

Notice that polytheism is loosely based on multiples of four - Dodecatheon, for example, begins with a multiple of four times three, three being the Platonic psyche, mind/body/synthesis…or past/present/future…or I/Other/Distance…or subjective/objective/effort required for unification.
That aside…

For a mind that uses either/or binaries to conceptualize a fluctuating, multiplicity called existence, its own completion, finality, perfection would be envisioned as one of the two absorbing the other, i.e., a singularity.
So, 1/0 imagines completion as a singularity, either one or nil.

Now the binary system is based on the organic phases of cellular systole/diastole - deflation/inflation…nil/one.
One being passive - void, implosion, deflation, systolic, and the other active, explosion, fullness, diastolic…inhale/exhale.
The passive, void, is more powerful because it requires no effort, whereas the active is more in-spiring because it requires effort…
Systole is the closest the cell comes to death - total collapse.
Death being a final implosion ending the cells cycles.
The two cellular phases representing good/bad, or good/evil. Esoteric/Exoteric.
One branch Judaism worshipping the systolic, end phase, the other Christianity, Islam the diastolic expansion, phase…seeking a final complete encompassing of existence or a final permanent obliteration of it - miser wanting to collect and absorb all into itself, inward, and the generous wanting to encompass all and expand outward.

Herein lies the difference between Abrahamism and Hellenism, or paganism.

So, body (4)+ mind (2) = 6 symbol of completeness, synthesis of body/mind.

All kinds of mysticism can be built on numbers…as ILP knows.
Suffice it to say that the organic body requires four codes to procreate…whereas the mind only requires two to create its abstractions.
Paradoxes are the product of this reduction taking the abstraction literally rather than representationally.

Six is an interesting number because it first integrates and synthesizes Three.
Three is the first odd whole number sequenceable, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.
Five is the second odd whole number sequenceable, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.
Then Seven, Eleven, Thirteen, etc.

It seems organic life revolves around 2, then 4 (2+2), then 6 (2+2+2), then reverts to 3, 5, and 8.

Yes indeed.
But the first number is one, as a product of nil.
Life must begin with a rejection of otherness - I am that which I am not, requiring no self-awarness only a pattern being in conflict with patterns that are not of its kind - not in harmony with its own.
Attraction = minimal repulsion - harmony exceeding disharmony.
Life is a continuous saying no to what is not like itself - and affirmation is a saying no to saying no. This is why nihilism is so powerful and seductive.
So to begin the process an organic cell must continuously reject otherness to gradually create and maintain its oneness - cohesion - its unity of patterns.
Three indicates the evolution of a higher being with two different sources of memory - body ([size=85]genetics[/size]) and mind ([size=85]memetics, experiences[/size]).
So body/mind synthesis gives as the Platonic psyche = triad. Reason/Will/Pathos…but notice that in his description of pathos as two steeds - one black and one white - we have four.

Language - including maths - is of the mind and so it is based on the binary of 1/0.

It might be more insightful to inspect what does NOT integrate.
Evens 2,4,6,8 do not integrate with Odds 1,3,5,7.
The Four number sequence does not integrate with Three (except at 12, 24, 36, etc).

Prime Numbers do not integrate with anything.
Pi does not integrate with anything.

Chaotic number sequences do not integrate with most patterns, except sometimes and in rare circumstances. When human and general biological intelligence evolves, it can synthesize more and more ‘chaotic’ numerical sequences into each-other on the back-end of data, when and where data becomes complex.

The most fundamental Dis-integration is 1/0 as you demonstrate, the difference between “One” (Wholeness) and “Nil” (Nihilism), positive and pure nihilism.
Yet, these are the simplest forms of numerical sequencing possible. This is the foundation of the meaning of mathematics/science/distinction/discrimination.

The problem with simpletons is that they confuse their conscious intentions with their unconscious intentions, being naïve to the point idiocy.

For example…in studies females choose to wear more revealing clothing when they are at the peak of their fertility, and less revealing clothes when they are going into their less fertile period of their menstrual cycles.
this happens with no conscious effort…they simply feel like wearing this garment and not that one.
If you ask them they will not be able to tell you why they made the choice.
Remember choice is how free-will is expressed.
If you tell them they may feel like some force was in control of them - like they were possessed by a spirit, when it was nothing more than their body judging and choosing and then informing the mind - lucid self, i.e., ego.
If something negative occurs, because of this choice, they will deny any culpability, because the simpleton identifies with the lucid part of self, if he doesn’t dismiss the entire concept altogether.
For the imbecile he is not responsible for what he did not consciously intend.

This can cross over to what he intends, but cannot predict the collateral effects.
Here the imbecile will claim that he did not intend something to occur, even if it is a reaction of what he did intend. The unforeseeable, as a direct consequence of his intentions, e denies responsibility for.

Which Humans are Tame, and which are Trained?


…don’t know/don’t care… when faced with instinctually-primitive animals.

That video is too hard for me to watch… I can’t. My genes, memes, and every-other part of me, tells me to stay away from predators… of all kinds. 8-[

I bet he fed that alligator up, just before filming commenced. :-"

100% he did. That’s what’s the video’s about. Some species cannot really be “tamed”, like serpents and lizards.

Dogs and cats, canine and feline, can be tamed/domesticated/emasculated, yet they are Mammalian and closer to Humans than Amphibians are.

I don’t enjoy memes at all. Sorry.
An entire generation tying to be catchy
variant flexability is clever but has limits

Then again, staying on post topic, I’m genetically defunct, so don’t listen to my opinion or copy me.

I don’t know, how about . . . dreams to schemes, make a viral something or other out of that. And keep it short damn it, my attention span is thirty seconds or less.

You are confusing mind with a computer analogy of mind

Garbage in
Garbage out

Your thinking is a cesspit of misconception and disimulation

You are a prime candidate for a brain transplant…too bad the technology is not yet there, condemning you to a lifetime of idiocy.


I was talking to the retard…are you a retard as well?
We’ll see.

Okay sorry,

and probably sometimes.

Anyway, carry on with the other.