Stalin as a socialist visionary and theorist was a genius.
As a theorist? What? Stalin wasn’t a theorist…
are you kidding. Of course he was. maybe not directly in text but in actions surely.
I was refering to their role in mechantalism, and in society. you’re well versed one the reds war on God i presume?
Well, the 20-40 million Russians helped us win the war, I don’t recall any tales of Josef taking up arms…
you knew what i meant.
Morality has no place in politics. Politics is the art of the possible, not the just. That’s one reason why there’s a seperation between the executive and the judiciary institutions…
says you
and to be a good leader you must have a happy meadium of the two.
because being overly sympathic as a ruler is just as bad as being overly oppressing.
Not at all. Just because I carry an amusing line from Stalin in my signature doesn’t make me a Stalinist. Stop trying to pick a fight or I’ll make you regret it…
now how doesthat differ from my marx quote.
you’re are right in many aspect. And you seem to be a very intelligent person well versed on the subject. All i was stating is that our views differ in certain aspects of the characteristics of a “good leader”, and i am young. But i still know where my ideals stand.
you do seem like a very well educated person and if you want to discuss this in further detail email me (soadboyajian@yahoo.com)
but this conversation is taking away from the previous conversation.