My friend and I had a long heated argument about getting high.
Of course he couldn’t understand how atheists think when I tried to explain, all he knew is their wrong and how they just don’t get it (btw i’m not atheists just agnostic but I defend both sides depending on what the person is). However when the topic of getting high came about, he said that the only real high is when you smoke marijuana, that is really the true high. He stated that it was wrong for the rest of the world to say you were getting high on cocaine, ecstasy, meth, w/e. I argued that these were all highs, but I could understand how marijuana could be a different kind of high. He said, No, marijuana is actually getting high you feel high, high, w/e he just couldn’t explain it. I wouldn’t understand he said because I’ve never gotten high to know what high feels like. He is fully at a normal state of consciousness he claims, he’s just high. However, he claims huffing isnt getting high, and sugar highs aren’t highs, none of those are highs just altered states.
I still argued that there all ‘highs’ but they can all be different types.
This argument may never end, but anyone who doesn’t have anything to do or likes these sort of arguments I’d love to hear you opinion even if it’s against mine.
But you see my friend doesn’t believe it’s even a standard, but the only high there is. He believes all the others are just different conscious states, but smoking weed gets you high like nothing else will. He started believing in God again after smoking weed because he felt it was very spiritual and that he was smarter. He thinks he’s more intelligent when he’s high. I don’t really believe that but I can’t say why he couldn’t be when in fact he’s not very smart in normal consciousness. I guess it could be possible for him.
He really wants to say everything else f#$%s you up, but getting high is a different experience which is why smoking weed is the only high. And everyone else miss uses the word high on everything else. I can understand what he’s saying but all those others things have no other words to describle them but as highs or altered states. So what do we call them?
I’d think it’d be easier to call them all highs, but marijuana is a different high unlike other highs, just as other highs are different from other highs. But w/e, f$%^ this, this is too mundane i suppose, just pisses me off when it feels like a paradox.
Well, ‘high’ is ‘high’ but saying they are all the same is like saying that all food tastes like food, so they are all the same; or that all thoughts are thoughts, so they are all the same.
Being drunk (‘high’ on alcohol, to use the grossly inaccurate term) is as far from being ‘high’ on marijuana as being ‘high’ on marijuana is to being ‘high’ on amphetamines.
Conscious is a multi-faceted thing, so it follows that conscious-altering things would be different in their manifestations.
It sounds to me like your friend is justifying a habit
It isn’t like all the other mind-altering substances – this shit is freakin’ real man.
Now, there is nothing wrong with marijuana use, but there is everything wrong with taking it to be more than it is. It is a drug, it is fun. It can give you a ‘new perspective’ in terms of allowing you to more easily experience a ‘flow of consciousness’ then, perhaps, the sober mind normally experiences, but to think that that is more ‘authentic’ is to make a rather dire mistake.
Getting high is a great time. Period.
Now, there are drugs out there that will take you out of your place, grab onto your brain, and shake it so out of place that up is down and down is up and in that altered state you’ll realize (often terrible) new things. But weed ain’t in that category. Weed is good times, nothing more, and nothing less.
I mean I feel it must be argued, and I feel it’s wrong, but then again I’ve never had it. Growing up in america, were taught it’s a bad substance, especially in Christianity. And it’s very hard persuading someone it’s not a bad thing to do necessarily. I can try to understand though were all of you people who have smoked it come from. But of course until I truly get high I never will understand or feel I want to back it up.
Is it really a necessity to be in a state where your mind is altered to be, “high?” To me, high just reflects an experience where a person is in a state of extreme peace. Anything else, (like many people who use cocaine) I would define as wired. But, my fiance’s lasagna puts me in a state of extreme peace, after eating it I feel even more, “high,” than I did when I used to smoke weed. Perfect bliss, completely loose and not a care in the world, that’s a high.
Getting high off weed isn’t better, it’s just one of many mental states. Personally I think it’s great. Highs off ecstasy are more intense and thus for some, better. But with its intensity comes more problems, because your mental state is departing further from the sober ‘norm’, leaving you more susceptible to regarding normality as below the desired state of mind and requiring more drastic and dangerous substances to achieve your new, ‘high’ norm. Weed is perhaps the ideal compromise between danger and reward, hence its popularity.
the definition of a word is up for anyone’s interpretation. people will take it however they choose. personally, i think that you can become much "high"er while on mushrooms or even alchohol than marijuana.
who knows.