THE OTHER HALF OF THE STORY: All of the photos below were the result of the guys above.
Until we see the lives of those on both sides as having equal value, then our ‘Thanksgiving’ is just shallow, superficial jingoism (and supremely anti-Christian.)
Um… wow. Thanks, km. I don’t think Thanksgiving was a holiday founded by the army though, so let’s veer away from that argument for the time being and just give thanks.
I’m thankful that I at least got to see a few of my friends on this break from school.
I’m thankthfull that i dont conform to holidays.
That’s part of why your Karma is so high onThe Site That Cannot Be Named.
Edited to remove offending link. Sorry OBW.
yah that site with disturbed on it.
…[ahem]…anything else you would like to say, Bessy?
(good work, 33)
(you can bend over and stick your head up your ass now, Bessy)