giving to charity

We have heard about Warren Buffett gave millions of his money to charity, Bill Gates also gave millions to charity. I’m sure you give to charity or help some unfortunate people or donate your time to do good deeds. And the act of giving makes you feel good. But what inspires you to do good, why do you feel good?

What inspires you do do good is guilt…what makes you feel good is a clear concience.

some might be thinking of a reward/compensation if not in this lifetime then the next one.

I am fortunate enough to have some money to give.

So, then I am faced with the following question:

Do I buy another craft beer?


Do I give the money to help a cause that I believe in and help those less fortunate than myself?

Put in that light, it becomes a pretty easy question. Why wouldn’t everyone give at least some portion of their money to charity?

I give to charity as I feel sorry for the poor bas*"¤ds who have been making my clothes and other products for 10 cents a day. When I think about it, I am so thankful I was lucky enough to be born in the West.