The World has seen your ass.
You have mooned the world.
Anal retentive! - says it’s all in the details!
Anal expulsive! - is all over the place!
Sodomites and Luddites banging together.
Abominations: A bomb a Nation!
How anal! Sodomy! Doomsy!
Poetry is a the orphan of poofters.
Whose Heaven is brave enough for our ass?
Delicate Ass, rare arse, sensitive asshole!
The Gluteus Maximus is noble
sat upon a cushion hard earned.
Tis the largest and most superficial
of the three gluteal muscles: superficial.
O they don’t mean you are vain posterior!
They mean you are part of the surface of the body.
Two sides of the same Moon!
Two cheeks on the same face!
Two sides you could not slide a coin between!
what sort of person
craps a poem about the buttocks out
and expects not to get called: