God and the Devil, Again....

If God exists and God is all good, then god creates evil since good can only exist if evil exists. Therefore, wouldn’t one logically conclude that the devil is created by the existence of God?

And if that is the case, and if God wanted the world to be free of evil, then why wouldn’t she cease her own existence?

Does God want the world to be free of evil, or is evil a nasty set-up just to test man’s devotion to God?

Shakes fist at the heavens Why all the games God!? WHY!?!

Good is not necessary for evil to exist. The fact that something Good exists does not make Evil exist, because before Evil existed there was only the one and completely pure God. Then, after he created the known universe, created man, and gave him free will, then Man (Adam and Eve) chose to sin, thus creating Evil. It was therefore Man’s falt that original sin, and thus Evil, was created.

Think of it like this: before God created the universe, there was heaven, ruled by him, that had a set of rules. All angels, since they didn’t have free will, followed his rules, and thus everything remained Good and pure. However, after he gave Lucifer and Man free will, they chose to Sin, and thus break the laws that God had created. When they sinned for the first time, Evil was created, for Evil was a departure from the overwhelming and all-encompassing Good of God.

There’s a reason why Good and God are only one letter away. :slight_smile:

However, I don’t believe any of the crap I just wrote because 1. I don’t believe in God and 2. If I did believe in God, then I wouldn’t believe in free will.


Please tell me how can God " want " ? Every creation came through Him,
and it was always " Here and Now ", no past, no future.
It is a set-up by default, and therefore It can not be the Test, if It’s final outcome/result was already created.
And it is a real life game, that you need to play, in order to find out
Why are you playing the Game, either you’ll find the creator, or you
Die, shaking your fist.

much love


Man have created words like God, Evil, Angels, but all that we see, Is
Nature with Us in It. Only chosen will Live, everyone else, Dies.
Together with The Belief/Religion/Lie , Time, Evil, Sin, Life… and
Other Human Inventiones that have beginning and The End.

If you know God, and you’re One with God you have Free Will.
If you’re NOT, all that you have is His Love to help you understand
how Inevitable Death Is, while you use " your " " free will " to create
WORLD for Him and His People to Enjoy without You.

There is no Better Motivational Speaker, than " Free Will " theory.

much love


So, you’re saying God is not good?

Let’s take a step backwards. Can happiness exist without sadness? Can light exist without dark?

If God exists, God is good, God created her existence, God created evil through her own existence.


Yah, that’s logical. Then I guess you have to ask why are we being tested?

God is Perfect, for Human capability of Understanding God’s Perfection,
" good " is the best possible term.
Because we can’t really say " Perfect " for death of our loved Ones.
It’s ALL Good ! All being God

Would you say that there is a heaven or hell? Would you say that when someone knows God they will go to heaven and if they don’t they will go to hell?

God is Perfect, for Human capability of Understanding God’s Perfection,
" good " is the best possible term.
Because we can’t really say " Perfect " for death of our loved Ones.
It’s ALL Good ! All being God

I agree, but is it not better to say, because we are limited by language, that God “is” or God is “I AM”, which would be all inclusive and not limited by the imperfect idea/unintelligibility of “good”?

If God exists and God is all good then good can exist without evil. If good can exist only if evil exists, then God cannot be all good. If God is all good then God cannot create evil. Is evil synonymous with the devil or does it precede him? If it precedes him why is he necessary? If it does not precede him then where did it come from? What makes you think God wanted the world to be free of evil? How would God cease her own existence? If the devil is created by the existence of God must the world be evil? If so, why?

It’s just the way it is man. There cannot be a right if there is no wrong. The existence of good necessitates the existence of evil. They are one in the same.

Good = Evil

God could cease here existence because she’s all powerful.

I don’t know what make me think God wants the world to be free of evil, maybe she doesn’t.

Evil comes into existence when good comes into existence. They cannot be separated from each other. This isn’t to say when good happens something evil happens, but that if something good happens then there has to be something evil that may have happened.

I don’t know what you mean by “must the world be evil”?

If you mean the people of the world, I’d say no. The people of the world can do like God in all they do. In that case, evil would exist in concept, but we would never see it happen in the world.

we are not limited by Language, that’s why we have Word " T A L E N T "
for. Holy Spirit is Talent to See and Say " nothing but the truth ".

Yes by definition, You can say " I am God ", Because that IS something You can Love with All you Got.
All You have to do is, to stay alive, because if you Die,
" I am God " was a Lie.


No living Soul will ever be able to proove that God Exists.
Same goes with Evil.
All that Exists is ; Energy, Matter, Life, One Day, Seasons.

can you be So kind, and give Us Evidence of existence of Anything else ?

thank you so much !


You are probably right. I’m talking purely hypothetically on why God may not exist and challenging you all to give me reasons otherwise. If there is a God, why?

So you can switch to Eternal existence with Him, and Chosen Women :wink:
and Man. =D>
funny thing Is, even If you don’t want to, You will. If Chosen.
You sound pretty smart, don’t see why Not.

Hey Jewpiter,

Sorry, I think there may be some confusion about what I was saying (mainly due to the fact that I have not quite got the hang of replying to posts- long time lurker) My response was to

My idea behind speaking of God as “I Am” is not to profess that “I am God” but to use God’s own explanation of himself as a away of avoiding the inherent problems of using “good” to describe God. Exodus 3:13-14. When Moses asks how he is to name the one that sends him the reply is, “And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Obviously the discernibility of the nature of God for us is limited because we are not Him, he is “wholly other” and so the word “good” carries inherent qualities that are limiting for us. While “good” is certainly a good starting point to understanding the nature of God, all too often there are the questions of how can a “good” God do this or that? So, again, explanations of God or potential providential acts (which is problematic in and of itself) that start with he is “I AM” keeps one from slipping into the trap of attempting to limit the nature and actions of the limitless. Because we are again, “wholly other” we are not privy to the inner thoughts/workings/makeup, whatever you want to call it, of God and thus say things like God IS and His actions ARE HIS ACTIONS


Then your first premise, i.e. “If God exists and God is all good” is false.

What " You " ( " sterling " ) are, Is Your Parents. It is their Flesh and Blood
That gave Birth to their Flesh and Blood ( DNA called "sterling " ), that Got Soul/Life, that Is God.
That Soul " sterling " produced Unique Spirit ( " sterling " )
You will claim that Body of Yours, as Truthfully Yours, If you’re chosen
by God Incarnate ( Son of Man ) to exist eternaly within that Body.
If you’re Not, than pretty soon, there will be a Tombstone with word
" sterling " on It.
God is Everything, He wrote script, directed, and acted as a Contract Killer,
He even Killed His Only Son Jesus, who was Video Game Programmer.
Jesus Created Video Game called eXistenz, that you’re playing Right Now.
Mission of the Game is To Find the Programmer and Kill Him.

Good " Luck "

much love


P.S ; Son of Man is Dude who’s Only Son’s name Is Nikola Tesla,
some Dude who Invented Twentieth Century.