God hints at retirement

theonion.com/articles/god-hi … ent,17747/



Haven’t found me philosophical voice yet - it’ll happen!


Well, I don’t really see it happening any time soon. His ‘children’ will not allow it and he’s been manipulated far too often and far too long by them to just let go of them. On the other hand, I here tell that he has been in conference many times with Freddie Nietzsche – that Freddie has been trying to get god to see the light and to step down and allow these children to take control of their own life. He’s pointed out to god already just how many statues of him have already been ‘toppled’ and he has begun to see, this god, that is, that he is in his ‘twilight’ and soon there will be darkness, a wonderful darkness that shall cover us, if only god will step down. Freddie has been trying to point the way for god…to teach him that it is only within the darkness that a light can eventually shine through…and then, thereafter, this god may take his rightful place amidst mankind…be looked upon as was always the intent of this god….simply something to be intuited through nature and the universe, no names, no labels, no pedestals….simply an ‘I Am who I Am’ becoming …just as are the rest of us.

All-knowing and all-powerful? When has that ever been proven satisfactorily?! This too is only simply rumor and conjecture passed along by those people who perhaps are too weak to stand on their own two feet that have evolved for that purpose; and, passed along by those, who, in intuiting and learning how desperate humanity is to be fully known and understood, have created an ‘all-powerful’ god out of delusion and a great sense of need.

Move on! We all have to grow up sometime. Retire, take a much needed break, perhaps for a few million years. Go visit some of those awesome places that rumor has it that you created; the jury is still out on that one too; and in just 2000 or so years or just six days, to boot. Just think…to actually believe that all of this could have been created in just that amount of time. You really need to disappear god – how else will our minds become open; how else will we truly be able to use the eyes that we have been given – that is, the eyes behind the eyes that see – to really begin to see!!

Don’t sweat it god. How important is it that anyone believes you actually began all of this with a desire to create and that you are like some kind of a potter, who just continues to sit around molding and molding and molding. You either did or you didn’t. Even the words that have evolved out of our mouths are not sufficient to do justice to the reality of creation and evolution. And look what we have done with these words at times anyway – we’ve searched out and we’ve destroyed. At times our words and our actions have been more powerful than any kind of power or control you ‘appear’ to have over us. And that is a great thing, free will being so necessary for evolution and all…but as with everything, there is another side of that coin, but that is good too. Nothing will stop the evolution and strugge of humanity – it will flow and it will ebb as it will. Oh, I forgot, humanity can stop it in its tracks.

You couldn’t be more proud, god? Well, if you are thinking of the physical universe and nature, do you really have a right to be proud of this?Are you saying that it was really you that brought all of this forth or might this just be some rumor that maybe you began so, once again, you could have all of the credit. Do you even begin to realize, god, all of the energy and struggle and patience and wisdom, and yes, even the blind and dark alleys, and the flaws and mistakes that evolution had to take to get us this far? How could a god who is supposed to be so ‘creative’ - create within us such boring minds as to assume that you or anything else could have created all of this in just the twinkle of an eye, in such a simple easy way? Hahaha.

Oh yes, we do and don’t worry god. I do trust that at some point we might get to figuring things out. No, not totally, but bit by bit we will see more light and truth and let it in. Evolution of every kind cannot be stopped in its tracks, despite us.

But how do we know that it was dark then? Because the bible tells us so? Because science tells us so? How do we really know that there are not other worlds or galaxies that were created such a long time before the universe that we are allowed to see through our feeble technology (though really feeble it is not). How do we really know that the tiny star that we might have been able to hold in our hand because it was so small, that is supposed to have started it all – was not just a descendant of other tiny little stars that expanded and grew, that had already been here, lived and breathed and died.

Well, from what I hear, all hearsay of course, you were there, despite the fact that in a moment of human weakness and loss of faith he thought you had abandoned him. But didn’t the sky rip apart and roar in tumultuous thunder and anger over this? Or was that just a coincidence in the moment. If you are so powerful and all-knowing and all-loving, I would suppose that you were there. Anyway, this too might just be based on myth and legend. Many gods and their children have been sacrificed in many cultures throughout history. You could be a copy of something else, you know…we are all replicas, i hear.

No, god, you must not delegate. You must leave us to ourselves. Go ahead and create that void…oh I forgot, that void was created a long time ago. It had to be so that out of the void shall maybe come reason and light and wisdom. And some really positive evolution – like a shot in the arm sort of. Contrary to popular belief, I do not think that voids are devoid of anything. ah, to me they are so full up to their very rim. But we tend to see them as ‘empty’ because what is empty must, by its very definition and nature, have ‘nothing’ within it. Have you yourself ever felt the kind of emptiness that is so full of stuff that it is such a heavy load? Do we truly really know what lies within all of that so-called emptiness, that empty space, the so-called emptiness that is supposed to be contained in a vacuum. Hmmm…contained…and what does that imply? But anyway, where your emptiness is, so is your treasure.

Well, if we are so self-sustaining, than why must you hang around, god? See, this is the god that so many ‘believe’ in – a god that is not able to give up control, a god that must hang around just to see what happens? I suppose you really aren’t all-knowing and all powerful, are you? How little autonomy you have that you cannot give up control into our hands, god. Do it, do it today….you’ll see how much happier and freer you will be…and we will too, at least after a while, once we realize that you are not there anymore, to push us and to help us along. We need to grow up. Leave us to that.

You would be surprised. To many you are the great daddy in the sky or a wishing well. At times, you are the ‘damned if I do and damned if I don’t.’ Do you realize that there are so many images of you floating around and it is thought that the images are actually ‘you’? How could that possibly be? But I suppose that is part of our humanness, too, that need and desire to know something intimate, even if that intimacy is based in illusion and fantasy. See how far we will go in our clinging? We are like children needing to suck at the breast or the bottle. Why not use the intuition that many feel you have given us and ‘intuit’ your way out of our lives – for our sake. And like you said, you need a long break, a very long break.

Ah, there you go god - true to form. As I have known for a long time, you have simply been created in our own image and likeness, and not the other way around.

And as Oscar Wilde will you tell you, well, he’s dead now but his words do live on:
And all men kill the thing they love,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!

Use the sword…god…cut us away.

Oh, and please don’t go to the Vatican. I rather think that things are a bit messy there already.

Oh well… :laughing: :banana-dance:
Note Well: This was not done in jest (well maybe just a bit)

Well… after being a creator, rugged individualist, corporate honcho, replicant, and beloved figurehead… I can see how it might be nice to retire as a part-time consultant with time to travel around space and time doing the odd cleanup for old-times sake. But it’s not that humanity would not need God then, but that they got the God they created instead of the one that actually is. I’m sure God has no problem with such things since the human-projected proxy pretty much took the blame and the credit for everything that has happened. Nice hypothetical job if you can get it. I wonder if heaven is taking applications to fill the vacancy. :wink:

Nope, this god has to totally disappear from our midst. There would be far too much of a temptation to flow back into the ‘loving’, ‘helpful’ and ‘controlling’ ways. But some people think that weaning offers the best choice; others that a total annihilation is the only way. And then there are those who realize that the gordian knot can never be truly cut off or cut out; it can only be unraveled…again and again and again. But hopefully in that unraveling, we can come closer to the truth that we can never truly know ](*,), live in what Keats called negative capability, or simply transcend it all.

But then at least it gives one the experience that Paul Tillich spoke of: The courage to be is rooted in the god who appears when god has disappeared in the [wonderful (me)] anxiety of doubt.

There may or may not be this Something that we have named ‘god’. Depending on one’s own perspective, there is much evidence for it and no/or very little evidence for it. And I think that it is we, ourselves, who have to do the 'odd clean-up when it comes to this god and to stop dragging such old baggage with us. The metaphor and the myth does live deeply within us, so deeply within our brains and our cells, but that doesn’t mean that we go to the store, in a sense, and buy what’s being sold there. No, we can create, design or re-design, sculpt, or paint a far better picture than any that we’ve had handed to us or we can simply transcend it all - sit surrounded by nature and the universe and just pay attention, listen, enjoy and wait…above all…wait. And then go home, and be all the richer for it.

Yes…and how very possible it is that that which shall be nameless is so far beyond or belief and scope - when we’ve managed to transcend it. I will say this one thing about the writer in the O.T. who gave the word YHWH - “I Am Who I Am”…I end that with becoming. Perhaps, he/she, too realized that this 'Something" would always be in a state of becoming…of flux…at least insofar as we are concerned or ought to be. And perhaps if there is indeed any label that one could affix to this metaphor called god, it would be “I Am Who I Am Becoming”.

Where have you been? That has been happening since the arrival of consciousness (or unconsciousness :laughing: ) Anyway, heaven (or hell) is where you stand…or where your brain chemistry flows. :banana-dance:

We can speak without voice to the trees and the clouds and the waves of the sea. Without words they respond through the rustling of leaves and the moving of clouds and the murmuring of the sea.Paul Tillich

Now that is the iBecoming! that lives and flows in me but I do not name it. :blush: I just did.

[size=50]You sound so familiar to me-something about something. :laughing: [/size]