God is Here and Now, Time is 100% Human Concept

Can somebody here prove Material Existence of " Past " or " Future ", other
than as written words ?

Can somebody here, proove Material Existence other than, and outside of ;

energy, matter, life, One day.

thank you so much !

much Love


The past and the future materially exist in the present. For example, in tree rings.

It is One ring in present, repeating tree times, always in present. It is called Frequency.
Everything created was created by frequency, we live by It.
If you carefully read your first sentence, you will see what actualy exist.
Think about your Life, It’s all Present, in that Present, past is small part of
your memory, controled by Emotions. And Future is nowhere around.
It is just the word for another Present.
Just like death.
If Einstein was Jewish, does not mean Everything He says Is truth.

As I stated in my answer to your, the past and future exist materially in the present. The past as residue, and the future as potential. The memory is probably based in electro-chemical “material” in neurons. The future exists materially in the seed. The future exists potentially not actually.

It takes time to process the information delivered by the eyes and ears, so therefore everything you experience is in the past as you experience it.
The existence of the past is proven, because we remember it, and part of the content of memory is the conviction that these things happened ‘ago’. Also, the issue of causation- if there is no past, then all events are uncaused.
The future doesn’t exist.

My cat, that is still Present, that exist in matter, " residue ", or " potential "
are thoughts projected in neurons that physicaly exist as your brain.
This is " Religion " forum, not Philosophy.
I am trying to explain Physical existence of God incarnate, today,
by explaining The Platform of Trinity, that wasn’t understandable due
to the Dogma and Doctrine of Jewish Dude called Paul, The Inventor
of " Christianity "
I am not selling beliefs here, I’m telling you what It Is, using words
that are not Mine, Words that belong to Jesus Christ, His Father, or
Holy Spirit.
There are Only Two things in your Life that you M U S T do :

To Love
To ask question,
You do Not have to answer to Anyone, that includes Me.

much love


Time is Illusion, It Is the main subject of my Post.
Time is Human Emotion, that does not Exist in Nature. Everything that Exist
is One Day, as the Birth, Life, and the same Day when that Life is Ended.
Everything I experience Is Right Here and Right Now.
Right Now I’m experiencing your thoughts, and Right now I’m writing mine,
so you can Experience them R I G H T N O W.
And right Now, they are Part of physical existence of Your neurons.

There is no Other World in Existence, but Material.
Devils, Evils, Angels, Fairy tales do NOT Exist. Writers DO.

I am agreeing with you that we live in the present. But that doesn’t make the past or future illusions necessarily. The past and the future are here residually and potentially in the present. Time is more than a mere fiction invented by humans. It is based on our experience of life.

 Why should I believe in illusions?  If something seems undeniably real to everyone, then it's real unless you can [i]prove[/i] other wise, and not merely say so.  Furthermore, time is not an emotion. Again, you seem to think the material world is real, because we experience it. We also experience memories of the past. Why is one an illusion, and not the other?

This thread itself demonstrates time. First, piecefullthyme posted a message, then me, then piecefullthyme, then uccisore, etc. The sequence of the postings not to mention the clock times of posting shows the time order of events. The thread as it is in the present is an example of what I mean by a residue of the past. It is also part of the future according to the law of conservation of energy. The energy we put into this in the present will be part of the future in some form, as it was part of the past.

This thread talks about dimension called Time and demonstretes LIVES
of Talkers. Who cares what I think, YOUR, MINE, OUR Life exist, that is
The matter. Our words are part of Our matter, therefore they are Not
Entity, accountable physical Subject.
This thread Is about Matter over mind. Matter being Life, what COUNTS, and Time being mind, that Have Only purpose on Grave Stones.

Frequency of Posts written always in Present by Our Present Lives,
shows Physical existence of Human Life, not dimension that is Part of
everlasting Life.
Gravity ans space do Not exist outside Matter, Only Time does, because
Time that Man feel does Not exist when Man Dies.
Time is like Devil, some people Believe HE exist, and I know He does NOT
Acording to the Book, people who believe in Devil/Evil Die, and There is no Soul after That. Ezekiel 18:4

" For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son—both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die. "

All I see and feel Is Nature. And you Trying to Proove to Me, that
Physical Evidence of my and yours Life are these PC’s of Ours,
instead of Our Bodies.
And that We Physicaly Exist in " Past " and " Future " because some
Belief called " Time " say so ?
Time Is Religion. Life is Truth

G E Moore - “If time does not exist, then I did not have breakfas before lunch”

Is your denial of time an attempt to avoid aknowledging that life is time limited?

My denial of Physical existence of Time, is Your inability to proove Me wrong.

I am only able to acknowledge limitation of Other peoples Lives.
Can you please tell me, How is My Life Limited ?
By your belief in Certain death ?

My Life Lasts One day, since my birth, I’m stuck In my existence.
Only because Earth rotates, people experience " Night ", as something that
will bring something they call " another day ".

Darkness is Not Source, but Lack of Sun, that is Source of Light.
Human race is the Only species that Invented Way to measure movement.
God is going to destroy movement called Human Race, by Implementing
eternal Humans.

Why are You unable to acknowledge non-existence of Time ?

PiecefullThyme, did Moore not have breakfast before lunch? That strikes me as absurd.

While eating brekfast, Moore did not Know anything about something He did not experience, so No, technicaly He did not eat breakfast before lunch.
There Is just One Meal that Man eat entire Life, The Last one. Sometimes
It can be a Snack even.
There Is no before or after in Real Life, only now. Something like a dream.
Life is made of situations, Ones that are happening right Now, always.

That Is the truth, and why wouldn’t people believe in days and years,
If that is goin to make their remaining " days " sweet and sound.

If you say so … I reckon I’m gonna take Moore’s word for it though.

We could all start dropping jokes, and have jolly good time aswell.
" If I say so " ?? I’ve lived in London 3 years, and have never heard a Brit
telling me that, are you British ?
" I reckon " is used by Ausies, also rare for Brits.
And than, Who am I ?
I am nobody, and especialy nobody who’s selling Beliefs, only telling
the truth, that is not mine. That’s why I’m nobody.

much love


See quotation below:

I feel Hector, unfortunately, one of the pupils.

I am not trying to make you feel, how I feel being smarter than you.

Subject that i study for twenty years are Prophecies. The Only One left,
Is End times, or Day of the Lord, or New Heaven New Earth.
All talking about same Event, End of the Life as we know It.
That Is Not going to End, but to Continue as eternal existence of Chosen.
Those that are not Chosen will continue to die, as they doing today.

Chosen are pupils of Existence, not Time.
You are smart cat, you do have ability to Understand, but, that Lower carnal
mind Is constantly telling you " Death Is inevitable ".

Today you Live in days when Serpent Is telling You " You have to Die ",
and God Is telling you " You don’t have To "
Revelation is Retro Genesis, It Is re-Creation of Eternal Man and Women
again Out of Mud and dirt, that Humanity have turned Into.

There Is a simple thought process that will reCreate your Understanding.
No Bible, no Religion, no Mambo-Jumbo.
You, your Life, Your choices, and simple math.
And that thought process is absolutely your choice.
If you didn’t notice I have never tell other person what to do, or
what to believe. All I do Is, detect Lies, ask questions, and answer.