God is . . .

People argue amongst one other about " God stuff " all the time. This IS God - The argument itself.

Therefore without argument there would be no God. If everyone on this planet held the same
religious views, effectively there would be no religion . . . no God.

God is just an allergic reaction to that accidental mutation . . . known as the human brain.

[size=134]" Get-in-phase with a simple smiling girl and build a tree-house "[/size]


:astonished: :imp: ](*,)

Dementia pugilistica could actually be a quick and cheap way to find peace of mind.

Padded rooms should be outlawed.

The first cell would require several precise internal forces to be in place before it could reproduce. The first cell would have to be created by general external forces then jump to spacific yet seperate, precise internal forces.

Why aren’t apes evolveing today?

  1. That is why RNA life preceeded cellular life. No paradox here.

  2. They are.

Religion is not God and God is not religion, case closed.

Why aren’t apes evolveing today? where’s the proof.

RNA life still requres percice internal forces created by general external forces.

Except with Jesus.


How about with KingDaddy?

so if all humans agree that we exist does that mean we dont exist?


* several sentences deleted by author because they didn’t make sense *

Yah, ya got me there, Zero . . . I admit it . . . I am full of shit.

Although a lot of religions do seem to concern themselves with increasing their numbers.

I think I can offer an answer, its quite simple really.
Any given ape population’s gene pool slowly changes over time. This is undeniably observable in the field. Of course, the same can be said for any living thing, including the thinking ape (us).

I’m not sure how anyone could deny evolution with so much advancment in molecular studies. It was fair, albeit ill-fated, to be skeptical when observing fossil evidence and theoretical hypothesis, but genetics is pretty solid. I would suggest a wiki search to anyone with no access to higher education interested in a layman’s understanding of molecular evolution. (oh and read “The Selfish Gene”)

Actually the evidence shows that chimps have evolved a lot more than humans in the evolutionary space between now and our divergence from the common ancestor. That is to say there’ve been more mutations that have been selected as advantageous to suit the environment.

Just because we have Shakespeare doesn’t mean we’re the be-all,end-all.

that is because they believe that they will save that person, because they believe their religion is the right one.

if everyone held the same religious views then everyone would believe in the existence of a God or a divine intelligence of some sort.

In practical terms that would be correct… If it were to ever happen it would probably be Christianity or Islam that would “take over” so yes, everyone would believe in a god.
Theoretically, I assume thats how you meant it, this is not true because not all religions believe in such things.
Defining “religion” is a very difficult task. I do think that it requires some supernatural element, but more importantly it is about the shared belief in a certain doctorine.
Check out ‘The Universe in a Single Atom’ by the Dalai Lama. He thinks that Buddhism and science are compatible. Of course, it could also be argued, I think soundly, that Buddhism is a philosophy not a religion.
