One basic premise of the possibility of God existing is that we can concieve of him, and since we can concieve of him, it is a possibility that he exists.
But can we concieve of him? Since we are finite beings, then isn’t it impossible for us to concieve of something not finite, or even more, non-existant? And since God is supposed to not exist in the physical realm, and hence be not physical, then how can we concieve of him?
When we think of God, it seems like we’re thinking of a finite being; but that’s not the God that we say he is. So what can we base our definition or belief in the all-being God of if we can’t concieve of him?
And since we can’t concieve of him, we can’t know him, and since we can’t know him, why should we trust him, and since we can’t trust him, why should we trust that he even exists, and since we can’t trust that he exists, then why should we expect [anyone] to believe in him?
It doesn’t seem the same to me. When I think about infinity, I can think of a lot of reasons why it’s logically incoherent- those old hotel arguments. You can have an infinity in concept, or in math, but to have one in actuality becomes a contradiction.
With God, though, when you say ‘God’, I know what you mean. I can list a whole bunch of His alleged qualities, stuff that He did, to say that I don’t have a conception of Him seems disingenious. I mean, the concept is no doubt incomplete, sure.
As I think Uccisore himself pointed out somewhere, and perhaps Kant before him, you can’t conceive the “thing itself” of a shoe. Uccisore and Kant used some other mundane objects for their examples but you get the idea, right? How is God different from any other thing-itself in the universe?
if we are infinate, and we concieve God as finate,… then we see wrong.
If God is infinate then we aren’t God and we are finate.
Faith builds understanding. But assumptions and stigmas lead Christians to believe more then what God is showing them.
If you pray for your enemies out of hate. You’ll find that God changes your prayers to love your enimies. That’s the side effect from living in Gods presance. It’s a process. They even found that Nuns who meditate activate the section of the brain associated with time and space & selflessness. I believe that any spiritual feelings has a brain (physical) counterpart. For ghosts create electromagnetic side effects in the matter they pass through. And we as spirits create physical side effects in the brain. Thus if you have a lack of hope, then that section of the brain will be understimulated. Yet if you do drugs you do not age spiritually. Because… Well because you are distracting yourself and brainwashing yourself by limiting perspective. Haveing a well balaced personality means stimulating every spiritual feeling so you become well rounded. Thus people who don’t become one sided and are more likely to proclaim agnostic beliefs. Hue Hephner is one who has lost site of love and loves people for what they give him. He is bias spiritually and would show side effects to this biasness. Specifically what he loves in life. He is prone to other instant gratifications such as drugs and things money can buy. Now he has (married) triplets showing sexual imorality is a progressive disease. He prefers incestive triplets who prefer to get money for their sexuality. They only hurt the elvolution of their soul.