God saves Chalk?

Ok Dan, I’m willing to grant you this last statement. But if you will as to compare how God and angels could be more powerful? I’m not sure how you have come to this conclusion… by any means… You are free to believe w/e you like, but I feel every belief needs examination, logical, empirical, w/e. Discuss.


Pick a card, any card.


If you can get first hand experience, then, you can more easily tell me or learn it for yourself, and never need to ask anyone.

Do you know how to preform invokations, evokations, etc?
(No you don’t)
You wanna learn how?


Not really, sounds very interesting but such things are demonic in my beliefs. I belief demons can make you think, mess with your ideas of what something is. Especially if you aren’t a saved Christian. I know this seems so exclusive, but there are things I willl not try, especially when dealing with other spiritual things, I’m not discarding these, I’m just simply not partaking in them because of my spirituality. I’m not saying you’re wrong Dan, I don’t know what you’ve experienced, I’m not sure if you still do the astral projection thing or not, I’ve read into that, very fascinating but it rubs me the wrong way. I believe there is a logical explanation, the mind is powerful.

I will say however, if you have so much experience, why can’t you tell us all the meaning of life? Or secrets to life? Can you explain in detail what you’ve seen? And if so why should these details cohere? some of this should be unexplainable am I right? Such as new colors, etc. I can’t imagine a being with powers, I’m not saying they exist, but how do you explain such a thing? Discuss. Actually I’m heading to bed, I have class in the morning but I will check later to see your reply.

Do you believe the story Club29?

BTW, this professor is a complete ass, although I am an athiest I would definitely love to argue with the haughty bastard.



That’s a loaded subject. :laughing:

Can we do one-question-at-a-time?

I don’t believe the story now, it doesn’t seem real and there are no findings of it being real, but I do believe it’s possible. The only story that was an actually happening was with a deist supposedly and he lectured against prayer by dropping a flask, no one ever stood up to pray to stop it from breaking until one kid finally did and the flask rolled of the professers leg unbroken, this is the only tale we know to be true.

Sure, describe one thing supernatural you’ve seen in full, or the best you can describe? I’m just curious.

The only point I would like to make here is if their is a God, he obviously doesn’t want us to have proof, only certain trails of evidence that allow him his possibility so that a free decision can be made over certain reasons. So, why would God, being God, allow you to see him? This is the part I Just don’t understand.

You’re talking about visual phenomenon, involving light?

Please, I beg you, please, do not add petty ego to the universe.

Does a star not want humanity to understand how hot it is at its core?

Does a fish at the bottom of the ocean, specifically conceal itself from humanity, so that they can manifest faith about its existence?

Higher powers, and higher beings, are not trying to hide, in the same way that light from OUR SUN is not trying to escape the range of a blind man.

And the bible is a curse, which men cast upon their own souls.

I’m talking about anything visual you’ve seen supposedly.

You make what would seem good points, but God could have created us to see him, feel him, or whatever specific things we can do with God we don’t know, but regardless he had this possibility, he however chose not to create us this way for a reason.

What’s bad about this new age movement of spirituality is that it’s bringing in all kinds of weird beliefs. You need to know where you stand, and how much you have to back your belief up. Christianity provides this, thus is why I am a Christian.