Of course God is! No, God is not!
We can’t untie this Gordian knot.
We probe, we pull, we twist, we turn
Thus live our lives and all we learn
There is no way to see God’s face.
We only need our faith to place
In what it seems we are to be,
Unique realized capacity.
If we in doctrine are entwined
The only fact that we will find
God is not in religious ‘thread’,
When wound up in it, God is dead.
If God there is, then God will be
Within, by being, naturally.
Apparently, god is Mr. Potato-head. I knew there was something suspicious about that toy when I was a kid, but I could never quite figure it out until DEB’s poem opened my plastic eyes, that is - an epiphany if ever there was one.
another good-natured Lokian (Norse god of mischief for those who don’t know) jest brought to you by lhw - AKA: The Straight-faced Clown,