If God does not have a master or something that is beyond him then why does he follow Universal law? Why must he sacrifice his son to complete a rituale allowing Human souls into Heaven? Because even God is not master over the Universe. Even God exists Within nad is bound by it.
You can know everything and still know nothing, Be omnipotent Or above all and still not be complete. As the Universe is everything and all existance.
But on a more practical scale God couldn’t even break the laws of the Physical Realm Because that is why the sacrifice is necesary. To open a rift or in this case make one already existing larger requires a being with the knowledge and ability to manipulate to manipulate it. To do so the being must die and his/her soul released so that it may preform its action.
I have spoken of this before. What the primatives thought was gods anger was in fact the rift destableizeing and joining this realm with the other. Unfortunantly God miscalculated and almost destroyed this one.
Any second rate Pagan who is familiure with Gates, Summoning and spirituale flow and essance would know this.
Also on a side note God and Alah have a name which means they are not omnipotent. Only those of you who know about how God “Spoke” the world into existance would know about the power of names or understand this.
Just some controversial things for debate, Have fun.
whoa slow down there. He sacrificed His son because of His great love for us! not because He had to! heck, even Jesus could have done something to prevent it, and yet He accepted what He was sent to do - to die for the people of the world, and to defeat sin and death through resurrection. In fact, God could have just forgotten about us altogether, but because of the fact that He loves us that much, He made the ultimate sacrifice. now we know we can bear the struggles in life because of what He went through for us. don’t ever confuse that with anything else, please.
God loves you and because he loves you he wants to save you and bring you into his grace. But the only way he can do this is by sacrificeing a MORTAL COPORIEL form (His son) containing him or his essance so to speak.
Q: Why is this the “only” way if indeed he is GOD of the Universe, all Creation?
A: This could be becaus of several reasons, And since this belief is a faith you could say any number of things, Here are some:
He did it because God understanding his creation knew that it would not be able to find the path to heaven without a fleshy earthly example, Therefore sent a part of him to portray his son on earth to invision to the Humans what lie after and where they could go should they choose to follow.
He didnt have a choice, To open a gate from earth to haeven requires a spiritual embodiment to experiance death on earth, sort of like a marker for where the tunnle or gate should be.
Conclusion: Either way or both, When you look at the physical compared to the metaphysical The physical embodiment and death “of ones own son”
isn’t a price at all He came from the metaphysical and so he returned upon death. The Coporial form is high exagerated and overpriced on value. Your spirit or soul Human is all that matters. So God putting a spirit in flesh and watching it grow and die is nothing, he lost nothing he gained an example.
Needless to say in either ocassion God was required to do so to acomplish his goals. Weather by the nature of Humans to lack in Knowledge and understanding, or God’s inability in itself. He is still bound to have to do things a certain way and only those ways to get others to understand or to acomplish tasks therefore He may be a god but he is not the lord and master of the Universe.
In the bible God is not upset because his son is being crusified or tourtured, This is a commen mis-translation and interpretation. God is upset because of the (Evil) Man has comitted in response to the gift he was offering, And in fact no other miricals of great wonder were ever preformed by God after this incident… Makes you wonder if God did not in fact seeing the evil in his creation decide they were unworthy and turn his back. (He did say he would not destroy them again) So efectively turning his back and not interfering was the same, Let the Humans destroy themselves.
He didn’t care 2 cents about the fact Yeshua was dieing. He Knew that His (Son or other “part” as the Tetratogramine Theory sugests) would be with him or reconected to him.
This is based on a Christion viewpoint as you did not seam to understand a viewpoint from a different side.
God is a perfect being.
The physical realm is an impefect realm.
Therefore anything that is within the physical realm (including concepts) does not apply to God.
Where did the assumption that the way God did things is the only way He could have done them come from? Isn’t it possible that there’s a whole range of ways He could have redeemed mankind, and chose this way for the particulars? There’s no indication that there was a ‘rule’ God was beholden to that says He had to do anything at all the way He did it.
Anyways, as to the general point:
The Watcher
Give me an example of a universal law that couldn’t have been set by God Himself.
This poetry. Which is to say, it’s pretty but it doesn’t mean anything. No, you certainly cannot know everything and still know nothing, that’s silly.
Ah, so apparently the Universal Laws are based on stuff you can find in the New Age section at Waldenbooks? If that sounds crass, understand that I've giving you a great deal of credit in assuming that you read books. That's nice that you believe in 'rifts' and 'Physical Realms' and such hocus pocus, but it should be obvious to you that a Christian won't, and that assuming these elements in your explanation of why and how God does things isn't going to be accepted.
No doubt. Any second rate Christian would now that all that goobledy-gook is just Satan messing with your head. See how rediculous it sounds when one person’s myths are taken for granted and applied to another’s?
Ah, so it’s not that it’s goofy or obviously false, it’s that only a select few heathens could comprehend you. Gotcha. I would have thought that humans have the ability to name anything they like, and even something Omnipotent could have a man-made label stuck on it. But that’s just my unenlightened nature talking, I reckon.
Are you calling me names? A.N. Whitehead suggested that God the creator was of necessity a lesser form of omnipetence, since something cannot be created from nothing. To create requires something to create from, and whatever that is, must be present prior to a creator. I don’t necessarily believe this, but I thought I’d toss it out to muddy the waters…