Gods Motivation

i’ve read books, and i’ve done research, and this is what seems to boggle my brain… please read

If you were God, what would you want
Well, you don’t know, and can’t know. You’re a human, God isn’t human, we can’t understand the concept of God, therefore, we don’t understand what he could possibly want.
But, imagine you were God, you’re an omnipotent, omnipresent being, you can do anything, create anything, be anything. As soon as you decide you want something, it becomes reality.
But, does it make sense to see God wanting something?
A God would have no emotions, no fears, no desires, no curiosity, no unger, no pain. Those are human shortcomings, not characteristics of God.
So, what’d motivate God?
Omnipotence means nothing is a challenge and what could stimulate the mind of something/someone who already knows everything?
Everything that motivates living creatures requires some kind of weakness, or flaw. Hunger, pain, love, all those motivate us. A God has none of those impulses. Basically, the only challenge for an omnipotent God, would be destroying himself. But, if God knows the future, he’d know the future of his own existance, under normal conditions. But, would his omnipotence include knowledge of what happens after he loses his omnipotence? Or, would his knowledge of the future end at that point? Maybe, but a God who knew the answer to that question would know everything, and have everything. There would no motivation for anything. No purpose to act in any way whatsoever. But, a God with the never ending question - what happens if I cease to exist? And, having no fear to continue, nor reason to continue, he might try it.
So how would we know? Well, I think we have the answer.
It’s our existance. The fact that we exist is proof that God is motivated to act in ANY way. And, since only the challenge of suicide could interest an omnipotent God, surely, we are whats left.

thoughts?? opinions?? flaws??

First, where does the Bible say jealousy is not love? I think it is a great sign of love! Envy, no. Maybe coveting, no. But jealousy, yes!

Let me toss out a saying I came across many years back. You can add it to your researches. There is a sufi saying (Sufis being Moslum mystics) that has God saying: “I was a treasure waiting to be discovered, so I created the universe.”

That is all the wisdom I have on the subject – and perhaps all we need.

my real name

Who says desires, emotions and curiousity are shortcomings anyway? Er, besides the Buddists. :sunglasses:
I would say that our existence contradicts a lot of the stuff you assumed- that God doesn’t want anything, or enjoy anything, or get emotional. Why would a Being like that make beings like us? Isn’t it more reasonable to assume that He made all this because he wanted something, and because we have the potential to fill that want somehow?
Also, you said that God might try to annhiliate Himself, because he has no fear of the consequences. But you also said He isn’t subject to curiousity…

my real name, i have to go to school in 10 minutes so i want to concentrate on what uccisore said first, sorry,


well, if god is an omnipotent being, and he is perfect, he has no need for emotions, he can’t be angry, he can’t love, he can’t be sad, those are all faults, and god has no faults.

Why would he want something in the first place? If he really DOES want, one thing, just one thing, he is not perfect. So, why not him being curious of his own death, leading to our existance?

To some extent… like i said

See, that says, if he knew the answer, and had no curiosity, he wouldn’t have motivation.
Now, the other statement.

So, if, if, God had that question stuck in his brain, he could try it…

you know what i mean?

that has to be the ONLY way for us to be created (unless not by a god) because if he is perfect, he wouldn’t want anything, but he could be curious of his own death, therefore, experimenting, you know what i’m saying?

I guess you’ll have to explain this. How is love a fault? I can see why you’d say anger and sadness are faults (even though I’d disagree) but love?

Again, I need to be shown why wanting something is a fault.

I’m not at all certain that it is possible for God to kill Himself, and I’m fairly certain that a morally perfect Being wouldn’t do so, even if they could.

I’ll post my own thoughts to Uccisore’s answer and if madcaplaughs feels my answer is insufficient he can suffice later.

love is brought about by desire, a god who knew the answer to everything would have no desire. he would know what the fruits of such desire would bring, and would know that such fruits would be fruitless.

"if he really wants… "

again this is partially explained above. if you are perfect you would have no desires. (funnily enough it says this alot in the christian bible)

I agree with you on the suicide point though.

God desires and strives for relationship, community. The triune God exists in perfect communion of self-denying love, and Christ invites us to join in that communion.

let me explain the suicide part, since he has no other motivations than MAYBE the curiosity of what happens when he ceases to exist, then we can only exist because something motivated him, and that’s the only thing that seems reasonable, i hope you understand this.
oh, and scythekain, thanks for explaining that

70 times 7, just read what scythekain and i have said, he should’d desire anything because he IS perfect

im liking your logic/thinking. can’t find any flaws. nice!

thanks being_gabriel,
to be honest with you, i thought that an hour after posting this, it would get full of posts agreeing or disagreeing… i’m disappointed :confused: , i hope more people get around to reading it. i want to see what bob’s opinions are.

Sorry, I don’t see how perfection negates innate desire. Hmmm. . . . I wonder why? Because it doesn’t. If God is the definition of perfection, then we best acquaint ourselves with Him and not our own limited understanding of the term.

I don’t see how you can’t. If something is perfect, it doesn’t need anything, because… it’s perfect, if it doesn’t need anything, it doesn’t have desires. God is perfect, he has no flaws, without flaws, he has no motivation. Love is a weakness, God is not weak.

What definition of God are you using? I’m using the Christian view (obviously), which believes that God IS Love - the perfect expression of Love. Who defined love as a weakness? You simply can’t pick and choose worldviews. Most people strive for a consistent worldview that cannot be broken down by inevitables. Be consistent. If you’re using the special madcaplaughs definition of terms, then how can we have a constructive conversation?

Okay, mcl, here’s the problem: There is a difference between desire and what we can call “wanting”. To want (old meaning) is to lack, and in this sense God does not want because He is His own happiness.

But on the other hand there is holding/posession of the desired thing, being stable in completeness. And in this sense God would still have desire because he desires to have what He has – Himself.

Love also ends in the holding/posession of the desired, so love is not a weakness, but rather the greatest strength…or at least the terminus of action.

my real name

so now we are assuming god is a man?

Is that any different than a wiccan assuming god and earth are our mother?

love is brought about by need. We need comfort, we desire comfort. Love brings that comfort.

A god like Mcp described does not need comfort, therefore does not need love. Everything to do with love is directly connected to some form of craving.

“He” is the pronoun used for people of neutral gender, but I’ve thought there are reasons even beyond that why we call God “He”.

scythekain, do you desire a Big Mac while you’re enjoying it? I don’t think you adequetely addressed the distinction I made.

no actually I despise the big mac.

I felt I did adequately address the distinction you made and explain why perfection does not need love.


Would you say a mother craves a child’s love?

I say, love is not a weakness of the body, but a disposition of the will. “Need love”? Isn’t it greater and more noble the “need”, the desire, to give love!!


no definately not a vegan, I just think that if I’m gonna eat a burger I’m gonna eat a burger from like red robins, or dicks drive in. Some place that makes em good.

what does a mothers love has to do with a perfect god? A mother craves the love of the child as an emotional craving. A perfect being would not have these cravings as I’ve already gone over. and the desire to give love is only a desire because we know that by giving love we will get love and attention in return. god would crave neither of these being perfect.

Perfection = lack of craving.
Craving = Suffering.
Suffering = being human.

Have you never felt “oochie”? Have you never experienced “ennui”? Have you never felt frustration for not being able to externalise yourself? Is it doing such things that are suffering, or the not doing of them!

Don’t you think, perhaps, that not craving love would be the greater imperfection?

were you trying to say:
perfection=>lack of craving
suffering=>mortality? (animals suffer too)