In the world of natural science existence is that which is measurable. If it cannot be measured it does not exist–except as that which must be exorcised–in any important way in the world of natural science. In the world of capitalism existence is that which correlates with commodity (an object of commerce). A person has value because s/he produces and/or consumes commodities.
The ideology of capitalism determines what is valuable and the nation’s institutions are determined by this ideology. Our schools are designed to produce good workers and hardy consumers. If a person wishes to be more than a producer or consumer s/he must find a way to do so without a great deal of help from the nation’s institutions.
To a large extent we are puppets of an ideology but we retain a degree of self-determination depending upon our strength of will, character, and intellectually developed desire.
Every capitalistic nation is on a trajectory greatly determined by the logic (principles) of capitalism. The logic of capitalism is constructed to facilitate the production and consumption of commodities. If we study the logic of capitalism we can, I think, accurately predict the trajectory of society.
I predict that we (the world) are “going to hell in a hand basketâ€. What do you think about this bit of prophecy? If you agree, what can you and I do today to help start a change in trajectory?
I contend that Wal-Mart is ‘the logic of capitalism’. I mean that if one follows the principles of capitalism the result would be Wal-Mart. To me this means that in a capitalistic society Wal-Mart is acting logically.
When I say that most nations in the world are trying to stop Iran from making a bomb and that this is a rational action I mean that they are following the logic of their principles. Likewise Iran is following the logic of the principles of a sovereign nation.
So, when both entities are doing what they are doing we have a situation that if we follow the logic of the matter we will in short order have a world wherein almost all nations will have the bomb or we have a war between the two entities, the group and the one, ad infinitum.
The logic of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) was all we could depend upon during the cold war. It appears to me that today we still only have the logic of MAD. When the world is filled with nations with the bomb will not the logic of human action, as we perceive that logic to be from past history, dictate that the bomb will be used?
It’s going to hell in a hand basket if we don’t stop consuming at the rate we currently are. Unlimited economic growth with finite resources simply does not compute.
I agree with you 100% on this that the nation state and its inhabitants are just hosts for the Capitalist ideology to dominate. What can be done about it, I don’t know, I gave up trying to reason with the herd long ago.
Chuck, my all time favorite bumpersticker reads, “Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?” It just so happens I have been working on the clarification of my answer to your question during the last week. If you are interested, look for it on my thread in the next couple days.
This is my answer to the problem–Hey! Get a Life–An Intellectual Life
Hobbies are ways in which many individuals express their individuality. Those matters that excite an individual interest and curiosity are those very things that allow the individual him or her to self-understanding and also for others to understand them. Interests define individuality and help to provide meaning to life. We all look for some ideology, philosophy or religion to provide meaning to life.
When examining psychosis the psychiatrist advises either the establishment of an interpersonal evolvement or for finding interests and perhaps new patterns of thought. Many of us find that our work provides that means for identity and personal fulfillment.
None of us have discovered our full potentialities or have fully explored in depth those we have discovered. Self-development and self-expression are relatively new ideas in human history. The arts are one means for this self-expression. The artist may find drawing or constructing sculptures as a means for self-discovery. The self-learner may find essay writing of equal importance. Consciousness of individuality was first become a possibility in the middle Ages. The Renaissance and further the Reformation enhanced the development of individual identification.
As technology developed there grew a further enhancement of the perception of the individual. It was in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1674 that the word “self†took on the present modern meaning of “a permanent subject of successive and varying states of consciousnessâ€. “Self†as an instance of compounds with other words appeared over this period of time. Self-knowledge (1613), self-examination (1647). Self-interest (1649).
The word “individual†moved from the indivisible and collective to the divisible and distinctive. In this we see the development of an understanding of self-consciousness thus illustrating the dramatic change taking place in our developing understanding of the self as a distinct subject not just a cipher in a community. This was part of the Renaissance.
I recommend that each of us develop the hobby of an intellectual life. We could add to our regular routine the development of an invigorating intellectual life wherein we sought disinterested knowledge; knowledge that is not for the purpose of some immediate need but something that stirs our curiosity, which we seek to understand for the simple reason that we feel a need to understand a particular domain of knowledge.
If everyone got an intellectual life we would soon become enlightened enough to know how to change things.
I agree with what you are saying in that an intellectual life is the key to the problem, but unfortunately it is only a minority that wants and is capable of changing themselves. There are simply too many people out there that only want to satiate their petty desires, and what better way to do this than consumerism. Trying to reason with a member of the herd that consumerism is raping the planet of its natural resources, and polluting the planet through dumping these consumable items after they’ve done their job of self-gratification, is a task that seems like banging your head on a brick wall. The only way is to bombard the herd with “advertising” that consumerism is bad for the planet and the self. Then enforce it through a penalty system of some description.
If one sees that we are going to hell in a hand basket, I think it is based on a recognition that capitalism is an imperfect economic model. It really should come as no suprise in a way, it is a system based on greed, one of the seven deadly sins (not that I’m trying to bring religion into the thread ) The greatest failing, IMO, of capitalism is that it reduces people to economic units, when really people should not be reduced. Society exists to serve the needs of people, not people the needs of society.
If one were to attempt to, “bombard the herd with ‘advertising’ that consumerism is bad for the planet and the self,” it would be seen as an attack on capitalism, and the forces of capitalism would respond, not kindly I would think.
I think that rather than look at consumerism as a solution for some, it should be seen as the problem for all. Why do so many people want only to satiate their petty desires? Have they not been conditioned from youth to be consumers who do just that, only that?
The key is education. Education gives people the tools to deal with the consumerist propaganda dream we live in. It is somewhat akin to throwing a life vest to someone being swept away by the tide, it won’t ensure survival, but it does give the person a fighting chance.
Great thread.I hear about this all the time from dan~.
In an old post i cannot find,someone said capitalism was a mechanism for rapid growth,which america needed in it’s early stages. [what should have been the most ancient country on earth,Iraq,got owned by one of the newest countrys,america.]
But capitalism is a run away train. now it CANNOT stop it’s consumerism and as Fent said:
what the question is,if we are talking about capitalism,is how or if we can stop an outdated no longer sufficient system? nahhh. not likely. Old rusty obsolete systems ,hardliners that dont like change and inefficiency are what make this world go around!
just look how long it takes the bureaucratic government to do anything! a monarchy could change quicker.
I agree with your statement except I would replace the word ‘education’ with ‘learning’.
Education is what we accomplish in our educational systems. Those systems are determined by the forces that we need to control. Our citizens have gotten an idea of education that is not healthy. I think we need to concentrate on the necessity of self-actualizing self-learning that begins when schooling is over.
If citizens are to comprehend what box they are in they must find a way to get outside the box in order to comprehend the box and education by the forces that place us in the box will not do that.