Good philosopher drinks

If you like to philosophize, and you like to drink (but you’re not an alcoholic), what are some good drinks you might recommend?

Personally, I feel that high quality (Smirnoff) vodka is most conducive to philosophy, especially modern philosophy, since it is most pure.

However, Socrates and his buddies were known to partake of fair sums of wine. I have yet to explore the philosophical virtues of wine.


OK perhaps you thought that I wasn’t being serious. Anyway, I maintain that vodka is a great philosopher’s drink.

drunk drivers are bad enough but drunk philosophers are idiots


Drink has a way of inspiring philosophy where it did not exist before.

Refute your own statement, or take it back- or refrain from replying to a subject of which you know not- OR- at least have the decency to defend your arguments.

If you are looking for inspiration, perhaps absinthe?

*** Please drink Sensibly. Also, note I do not advocate drinking in any way and should anyone wish to partake of any alcoholic substance I whole heartedly condemn you as the spawn of Satan. Bottoms up ***

Well the wine Socrates drank was 2 parts water anyway - I expect he didnt get much out of it philosophically!

Back up that statement…

(as I always say…)

I have been a friend of bill w for over 17 years…


All I ask is that 'ye back up 'yer statements…

It’s not the drink which facillitates the philosophical wonder for me, it’s the environment. The drink just makes me stupid(open) enough to forget my inhibitions and get down to revealing my unique ignorance, thus facillitating conversation (everyone is more than happy to offer their opinions if you show any sign of vulnerability).

But, to answer your question, I enjoy meticulously sipped and tasted scotch.

I think it has something to do with swirling the liquor and the ice about in a tumbler. Sip, swirl, speak. Repeat.

Of course, I’ve only been drinking legally for a month and a half, but I’ve got the drinking tickets to prove the experience. :wink:

“Sobered up gained some sense, was no wiser then before;
had a drink couldn’t think, but could argue all the more.”
-Dostoyevsky, Brothers K


I actually drink to slow down my thoughts, because it seems that I always have 1000 ideas and thoughts going through my head and drinking is actualy away of relaxing without all the commotion in my head, of course I always pay for that break the next morning!

Ditto, shh.

A friend of mine gave me some Jim Beam the other day. That’s why I was being an ass. What a god awful drink.

Depends on your mood really.

Glorious: Spanish reds, pilseners vom Fass and single village Mezcal.
Overcast: California Pinot Noir, Trappist golden pale ale, vodka.
Functioning: Beaujolais, American pale ale, Whiskey.
Elated: Cotes du Rhone, fruit stout, kirschwasser.