good vs nice

is there a difference?

i find it interesting that we can distinguish between whats nice and mean but when it comes to this whole ultimate good ideal we dont grasp it. is it simply an over glorification of something extremely simple?

in this vein, an interesting question imo is can we identify quality and goodness? :wink:

well quality would be like aesthetics and goodness in what sense?

aesthetics we know jack shit about.

niceness though… we can do nice. cant we just have a moral code of “just be nice”

I think Nice is a word used to describe the perception of others towards your actions, and Good is a word used to describe your intent.

I’m not saying it is. I’m just saying it seems to me to be a good question.

Aristotle “defines” good as “what all desire” lol

Quality is not aesthetics.

Aristotle is the real philosopher of quality. And if he is so oft misunderstood, it is probably because we forget this fundamental domain of his research. He discovers substance and relation, this is true, but he also discovers quality, and the place it holds in his philosophy is rather remarkable. To adopt the point of view of quality is without a doubt the most direct means of entering into Aristotle’s works, all the more so since to approach him by way of his first philosophy is, for a modern, practically impossible.

Thus the two big philosophers of quality are Plato and Aristotle, but Aristotle distinguishes with much greater precision quality and quantity.

Aristotle studies quality notably in the Categories. He notes form the start that there are visible qualities and invisible qualities. He is thus, after Heraclites, the one who shows quality as passing form the visible to the invisible, bringing to light the differences between these two worlds. Quality is to be found in his Physics, where Aristotle shows the intelligibility of becoming, notably in the first book. But also in the Delta book of Metaphysics.

As for being good it is not the same as my good. Being nice is a virtue. I should think it is good to be virtuous :wink:

They are often synonymous.

hm,i prefer to think abt it this way

when people use the word ‘nice’,its to describe something pleasant or immediately enjoyable.

the word good,is for something that is ultimately desirable even if it is unpleasant when being brought to fruition.

therefore, ‘nice’ and ‘good’ differ as stages in courses of action.

why some people are unable to tell them apart is because of their lack of foresight.