In a debate, what would a GOPer offer us as a public
Let us try some ideas…
Ok, what about helping someone putting food on the table?
GOPer: Oh, there is a gay person in Florida…
Ok, what about affordable heath care?
GOPer: there is a trans person in a bathroom in Ohio…
Ok, what about homelessness?
GOPer: They deserve to be homeless because they don’t believe in god…
and they are gay/trans people…
Alrighty, what about inflation?
GOPer: Jews run the world, so kill all the Jews…
Ummm, alright, what about improving education?
GOPer: why educate children if they don’t believe in god?.
and besides, education creates gay/trans people…
Ask any conservative/GOP/MAGA persons, for their answer to
the pressing problems of today… and one will get answers that feed
into the culture war that the right has perpetuated for decades…
and why so? Because the right/conservatives don’t stand for
anything outside of gaining raw power…
we have heard from conservatives for months what they will do
“when” they regain the congress…
they have publicly stated, they will immediately impeach
Biden, Harris, the cabinet, in fact, anyone who is a democrat…
for what reason one might ask, there is a gay person in Ohio…
no other reason…
and they have publicly stated they will reduce social security and
Medicare… thus killing millions of senior citizens including my mom
whose only source of income is social security and without Medicare,
will not be able to get any kind of medical care… this is a fact…
look it up…
They have publicly stated they bring about a nationwide ban on
abortions… which is a culture war issue…
Ask the conservatives, how will you help children
get health care?
Conservatives: who cares… they might become a gay/trans person…
in Arizona…
K: listen, really listen to conservatives this election season and see
what they offer us besides insane culture war issues… gays, trans,
abortions, immigration/the wall… but do they offer us anything of
substance for the issues of today… inflation, education, homelessness,
health care, putting food on the table… nope, not a word…
because they have no solutions for these issues outside of
culture war issues that have nothing to do with the issues of
our day…