Granting Wishes!!!

No, I’m not, but imagine if you could for a moment?

Suppose you were given the ability to grant one person you know three wishes.  You have no control over what the wishes will be, and you are obligated to grant them even if they will bring harm to the world, harm to yourself, even harm to the wisher themselves. You can do this for one and one person alone. 
 Do you have someone in your life that you could confidently extend this to? I say, the faster you can think of such a person, the better your life is!

Easy. My brother is the only human I’d trust with that power, besides myself. He’s more benevolent than I am, and he’d almost certainly only use it for self aggrandizement.

My Father. He is a fast thinker, understands strategy and ramifications. Having had wealth and power as a child and young man he gave it up to serve humanity in the military. He has no desire for wealth or power anymore. He only wishes to help, teach and love his family. How many Chief MasterSgt.s do you think would take the time to bury a dead lizard they found? A more gentle and caring man you could not find, A more disciplined and tough one you could not find, a more fair, just and honorable man you could not find.

My Father is the only human that I would grant such power.

Interesting, both responses so far say that they only know ONE person that they trust that much. I wonder what that means.


I like all people too much to hand them that bottle of poison. For all of our lusting after power, I know of no sane person who truly wishes to be God. I wouldn’t wish this scenario on my worst enemy.

If you put two piles of meat in front of a dog one tiny pile and one large pile the dog will go for the tiny pile first then to the large pile next. Now if you add competition it will always go for the larger pile first at which point it will enevitably eat itself sick or to death.

Most every creature is greedy, self serving and self protecting even to the point of gorging themselves sick or to death just so noone else can get it. This behavior has been noted in many species on this earth. Sharing with competion is hard, only family gets a share. We are not the only species that values and trusts bloodties above all others.

Ah yes,wishes,the answer to all life’s problems.My bro is the only one on the level with me,collectivism,bio-psionic-metaphysical superiority AND a big vedetta with suffering if i know anything.

Yes that would change the world right quick. I’d say it’s more dangerous to leave people’s wishes unfofilled than to grant them. this is reflected in unequal human manipulation.hurting and killing is easy,healing and ressursction is hard to impossible.since wishes are an equal force they would improve/screw up at a more equal rate. But since 1 individual is chosen it is all the more precise.

I’d ask each one of my relatives, friends and strangers this question: I have a gift for you but tell me first why are you worthy or not worthy to receive this gift?

I’d give that gift to the one who answers from the heart.

I’d probably make a deal with them that they’d have to wish for something that I want them to wish for in order for me to grant any of the wishes. And if they didn’t do as I wished I would grant their wishes in bad ways. How’s that for selfishness? :slight_smile:

My roommate. Hands down. I trust him and he would make some very good decisions. Plus, I think he is one of the few people I know who might use a wish or two to help other people in a very meaningful way (not the dangerous, world peace attempts).