Einstein’s theory of general relativity explains the effects of masses on spacetime. This effect, the curvature of spacetime, is what accounts for gravity. Thus, gravity is explained in geometric terms.
Is this to say that gravity is no longer a force but simply a geometric effect? If so, why is it still referred to as a force? If Einstein’s theories are so widely accepted, why are they wasting their time with a theory of everything? Isn’t trying to unify three forces (strong, weak, nuclear) with a non-force (gravity) a waste of time?
Einstein was wrong. Gravity is a structural force, a result of compression. Nothing truly attracts or pulls. If I suck liquid through a straw, the liquid is not attracted. The pull something would require six forces for two objects. Reach, grab, pull.
Gravity also has no waves. Caltech cannot find them and they never will. A structural force has no waves.
Well, I believe Einstein was correct but I don’t want to get into that argument. Let’s discuss it assuming that his theories are correct.
Yeah, I agree that gravitons and gravitational waves are complete and utter bullshit. But why are the smart minds at Caltech even wasting their time? If they believe that Einstein’s theory was correct, shouldn’t they be able to conclude that it’s not a force?
Because gravity isn’t what Einstein thought it was. If they conclude that it isn’t a force then they have to rework the Big Bang, which is also wrong.
Should they admit that they are wrong, they have to come up with an alternative theory. This theory is already been done. This would cause a powershift in the world of physics.
Caltech is smart, they generate millions of dollars looking for gravitational waves (nearly a billion dollars). Why not keep going until the funding can no longer be justified?
We’ll just wait for them to come around to our side…
Physical theories create a framework of concepts and mathematical constructs that describe and predict natural events. When a broader, more accurate theory is discovered that employs different concepts and constructs, it supercedes a previous theory but it does not necessarily falsify it. It is always possible to think of nature in either terms.
Newton’s physics constructs forces, momentum, acceleration, inertia, and inertial frames in absolute space and time. Newton’s ideas are just as useful as they have always been. Einstein, relativity, and quantum mechanics do not make forces unreal or wrong.
Throwing away Newton’s gravity, as you propose, just passes the original observational problems along to some other way of seeing nature. Perhaps as a particle passing back and forth, perhaps as a field that is distorted, or perhaps something else.
That was the beauty of Eintein’s theory, though. He was able to encompass all of Newton’s laws but create a completely new and radical theory of his own.
Is anybody here familiar with Einstein’s theories? And in particular the part of general relativity theory where gravity is explained as curvature of spacetime?
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