Greater beings and noninterferance.

I walk by an anthill on the sidewalk.

If I feel like it I could ram my foot down it, destroying the large elaborate ant complex. This would take very little time out of my day, might give me a brief source of entertainment, I would probably not face any social reprocussions.

I can think myself superior to the little ants. Of course- someone could create an elaborate ant trap with which there would be enough ants to kill me and I could do very little about it.

The ants are unaware that I could simply destroy their hill. However, they are instinctively aware that some random force could destroy their home and they would have to rebuild. Generally this does not happen. I see so many ant hills, and it really seems boring to crush one. I am irrelevant to them. Unimportant. Trivial. A stupid worthless object for their interest. Wasting time paying attention to me sacrifices important food hauling time for them.

What sorts of elaborate, intelligent systems are out there which could destroy us at a whim? It probably doesn’t really matter to us. They could be trivial meaningless plots for our attention.


Perhaps because of our ignorance, some alien civilization would find it meaningless to crush us humans.