its cuz of gravity winning the battle against your spine. by the time you are a granny you should be able to take off into space, which alleviates the problem. returning astronaughts are taller than when they set off.
I think it is that they actually start humping over more. I don’t see how it is physcially possible to shrink. I mean think about it, shrinking?
cold shower perhaps?
things shrink and expand all the time…
and if it is physically possible to grow, why not shrink as well?
Objects. Objects shrink and expand.
How come I don’t feel like we’re talking about grannies? Things, objects, expand, shrink?
Grannies are shorter than when they were younger. It is true. But, perhaps, Si-Muz San is right–they just hump too much, like curbing their spine, so even if they stand against the wall and are measured, they appear to have shrunk. Because really they can no longer stand straight like they used to.
Now, I never knew that grannies are the reason buses are late in the morning. I have taken the bus a few times—mainly to and from school, when my car broke down. I was never annoyed if the bus was late. I have that patience. But surely, we should be very patient with grannies. They move much slower than regular people.
granny stiletto heels…
You can’t be serious about that either. Grannies cannot maintain steady steps with stiletto (sp?) heels.
not many women period can mantain steady steps with stiletto heels…
it just makes them look taller to make up for their hunchedness…
Fair enough.
One thing—I don’t think grannies are worried or affected that they have shrunk or no longer the height they used to be. Because for one thing, doesn’t shrinking make one more proportional to the size of his/her feet? Which means they gain better balance when walking or standing. Yes?
only if their feet don’t shrink as well…
Thank god (!) I wasn’t drinking anything at the moment–else, wet keyboard.