Just thought I’d pop in and say a few cheerios before I embark on a quest around the board. Seems like a neat little community you all have here. Hopefully my meagre formal knowledge of philosophy will serve me well enough.
Hey how’s it going? Hopefully fine. Everything here is pretty good to go. I’m taking a break from the Philosophy forum lately, but this place has done me plenty since I’ve graced these pages a few months ago. Hope you enjoy your stay!
Go ahead and tell us something about yourself, and what is your extent of understanding of philosophy.
I’m a First Year philosophy major in university. So far I’ve done some basic formal logic (up to quantifier and number definition) and some basic metaphysics and epistemology (Descartes, Turing, Berkeley, Aquinas, Nagel et al). I have an interest in ethics - particularly what relation it has to the biosciences - my other degree’s area of study. I’m hoping to get my hands on a bit of Singers work - so far I haven’t had the time.
Mostly I’m a political junkie, with a major interest in world affairs. I’m taking a break from one of the more virulent forums to browse this one.
Oh and I also play a bit of water polo on the side.