Dunamis, you’re stuck in the Logos.
Look, I’m so smart all I can say is:
Do with this knowledge what you may.
Dunamis, you’re stuck in the Logos.
Look, I’m so smart all I can say is:
Do with this knowledge what you may.
Dunamis, you’re stuck in the Logos.
The logos I’m stuck in right now is the logos of Criticality at the edge of sub- and supra- critical chaos. It’s a kind of surfing the immanence of rationality. I’d much rather be stuck in the logos though, than be locked in a Cartesian theatre where they just keep playing newsreels of Paris in 1955, and my feet sticking to the floor from whatever the last ones in my seat spilled.
Contrary to popular belief, chaos is not an empirical state. Events are always entirely determined. What evolves chaos is the rational mind, through, you guessed it, the cogito.
The idea of chaos is nothing more than a collision of the three tenses of time in intentionality. What you conceive of as disorder is only a failure to condense past, present, and future into one static state, and review them simultaneously. Without consciousness there would be order to such a degree that nothing would happen- with consciousness, movement through time is experienced and creates change- chaos being the impossiblity to expect a probability and experience it at the same time. These are constructs of the mind and its internal wave activity.
Did you just say something interesting? I didn’t get to read my Deepak Chopra this month.
Not if you didn’t think so, I don’t reckon.
Tell you what, you give me back my “Deepak Chopra,” whatever that might be, and I’ll give you back your fortune-cookies.